05 July 2023
Terri Meyer Boake
Height is aspirational, and having the best view from that height has become a driver in contemporary tall building design. Likewise, observation decks are a...
03 April 2023
This report shows that 147 buildings of 200 meters’ height or greater were completed in 2022, a 25 percent increase from 2021, when 118 such...
01 March 2020
Gerard Peet, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Nederlands
Skyscrapers are often seen as a typically American phenomenon. This paper aims at demonstrating that in terms of technology major developments are European and that,...
28 October 2019
James Parakh, City of Toronto Planning Division
In the past 50 years, tall buildings and their relationship to streets and open spaces has evolved through various scales and typologies. As place-makers, how...
29 July 2019
Rafael Ivan Pazos Perez
This research explores the use of artificial intelligence to simulate how cities will grow vertically. By learning how cities have evolved in the recent past,...
01 September 2018
Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are widely used as highly ductile seismic devices, with the first building using BRBs completed in 1989 in Tokyo, and thousands more...
30 April 2018
Elena Mele, Diana Faiella, University of Naples Federico II
Inter-story isolation systems (IIS) are currently gaining significant popularity, mainly in Japan, where more than 60 applications have been realized in the past 20 years....
01 September 2017
Toru Tsuchihashi & Masaharu Yasuda, Mori Building
Installing accelerometers in a building is an effective way to know how the building shakes when an earthquake happens. In this paper, we will introduce...
01 September 2017
Masatoshi Tamari, Tadashi Yoshihara & Masato Miyashita, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc.; et al.
This paper describes some of the challenges for structural design of a mid-story seismic isolated high-rise building, which is located near Tokyo station, completed in...
17 October 2016
Daniel Safarik, Shawn Ursini & Antony Wood; Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
The rise of the megacity presents unprecedented opportunities to understand the human urbanization phenomenon, and to observe the effects of multicore, polycentric cities growing together...
17 October 2016
Patrik Schumacher, Zaha Hadid Architects
Density via high-rise structures remains a primary agenda in our era of urban concentration. It is crucial to understand the societal forces that drive concentration:...
17 October 2016
Jukka Salmikuukka, Tomio Pihkala & Samu Salmelin, KONE
Digitization is reshaping industries and driving the rise of new business models, with new ways of working and new entrants rewriting the rules in the...
01 September 2016
Hideshi Aono, Osamu Hosozawa, Yozo Shinozaki & Yuichi Kimura, Taisei Corporation
Along the subduction-zone of the western Japanese islands, large earthquakes are expected occur around the middle of this century, and long-period ground motions will reach...
01 September 2016
Kazuhiko Kasai, Tokyo Institute of Technoogy
A much higher level of seismic performance is needed for supertall buildings due to increased demands for their functional continuities and the recognized needs for...
01 September 2016
Hiroshi Kawamura, Yoji Ishibashi & Tsutomu Morofushi, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei; et al
This paper describes the structural solution for the design of a 29-story high-rise tower, which features a large office space above the Kabukiza Theatre. Kabuki...
28 January 2016
Shonn Mills, Ramboll; Philip Oldfield, University of New South Wales
The persistent interest in prefabricated modular construction has now turned into high-rise reality, though the results have been inconsistent. Earlier experiments with the approach resulted...
01 December 2015
Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei; Masaru Emura, Obayahi Corporation
This paper introduces the structural design and construction method for the foundation of the TOKYO SKYTREE, a new digital broadcasting tower in Tokyo, which has...
26 October 2015
Hiroo Mori, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
Skyscrapers and their surrounding developments are critical factors in determining a city’s global competitive advantage relative to other cities. These building projects are in fact...
26 October 2015
Terri Boake, University of Waterloo
The rapid densification of cities is a fairly recent phenomenon and seems in many cases to be progressing without regard to important already established urban...
26 October 2015
Yusuke Noguchi, Yozo Shinozaki, Hideki Ichihara & Makoto Kayashima, Taisei Corporation
Manhattan, Chicago, and Tokyo are well known as skyscraper cities. But they have many decrepit buildings built in the early 20th century. It’s a significant...
01 September 2015
Dai Shimazaki and Kentaro Nakagawa, Shimizu Corporation
Shimizu Corporation Tokyo Headquarters, one of the city’s leading office buildings, features many pioneering technologies that contribute to a sustainable society through environmental stewardship and...
20 May 2015
Hiroo Mori, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
As host of the 2020 Summer Olympics, Tokyo is undertaking a major redevelopment effort, giving long-planned projects new energy under the political impetus of the...
20 May 2015
Tomoyuki Someya, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
As a critical asset for the city of Tokyo and its international reputation, the Tokyo Sky Tree was required to incorporate fire safety strategies that...
20 May 2015
David Malott, Keisuke Hiei & Heidi Werner, KPF; Leslie E. Robertson, LERA
“Next Tokyo” imagines a resurgent megacity, adapted to climate change through the realization of a high-density ecodistrict built on resilient infrastructure. The archipelago of reclaimed...
28 April 2015
Erez Golani Solomon, Waseda University; Christian Dimmer, University of Tokyo
The Nakagin Capsule Tower, designed by Kisho Kurokawa and constructed in 1972, is an emblem of the Metabolism movement. With built-in features such as telephones,...
01 March 2015
Takao Mikami & Takao Nishizawa, IHI Inspection & Instrumentation Co. Ltd.
Structural health monitoring is becoming more and more important in the domain of civil engineering as a proper mean to increase and maintain the safety,...
31 December 2014
Daniel Safarik, Antony Wood, Marty Carver & Marshall Gerometta, CTBUH
An All-Time Record 97 Buildings of 200 Meters or Higher Completed in 2014 and 2014 showed further shifts towards Asia, and also surprising developments in...
01 December 2014
Yusuke Yamazaki, Tou Tabuchi, Makoto Kataoka, & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation
This paper introduces recent applications of three-dimensional building/construction data modeling (3D) and building information modeling (BIM) to large-scale complex building construction projects in Japan.
16 September 2014
CTBUH Research
The latest CTBUH technical guide, Green Walls in High-Rise Buildings, provides a thorough investigation of the methods used around the world for implementation of vertical...
01 September 2014
Yasuyoshi Hitomi, Hiroshi Takahashi, & Hidenori Karasaki, Nihon Sekkei
Toranomon Hills is the main building of a large-scale re-development project located in the center of Tokyo. The remarkable feature of this high-rise building is...
01 March 2014
Shuichi Matsumoto, Osamu Hosozawa, Hiroyuki Narihara, et al., Taisei Corporation
In recent years, the performance requested for which an ultra-high rise buildings is diversified.
01 March 2014
Takeshi Kikuchi & Satoru Fujimori, MHS Planners, Architects & Engineers; Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
When seismic isolation system is applied to high aspect-ratio (height/wide-ratio) steel structures, there are several problems to be taken into consideration. One is lifting up...
01 September 2013
Masayoshi Nakai & Kiyoaki Hirakawa, Takenaka Corporation; Masayuki Yamanaka & Hirofumi Okuda, Obayashi Corporation; & Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei
This paper introduces the current status of high-rise building design in Japan, with reference to some recent projects. Firstly, the design approval system and procedures...
01 February 2013
Christopher Groesbeck, VOA Associates
Multi-function universities in tall buildings are still a rarity, but they are growing more common as institutions look for efficient and cost-effective ways to serve...
19 September 2012
Shuichi Otaka, Masayuki Yamanaka & Shokichi Gokan, Obayashi Corporation; Toru Tsuchihashi, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
This paper provides the overview of structural design, adopted devices and construction methods in the Toranomon-Rappongi Area Project. When this project started, construction costs of...
01 June 2012
CTBUH Research
With the recent completion of two megatall telecommunication/observation towers it is perhaps time to review these structures and also explain why they are distinguished from...
01 June 2012
Taiki Sato, Taisei Corporation; Ryozo Ooka, University of Tokyo; & Shuzo Murakami, Building Research Institute
In order to use sea breezes to counter the heat island phenomena, i.e. to promote urban ventilation, it is necessary to clarify the effect of...
01 November 2011
Ryo Mizutani & Shigeru Yoshikai, Kajima Corporation
“Using conventional demolition methods, ten different materials could have been recycled on the job site, returning a recycling rate of 55%.The C&TD method allowed recycling...
10 October 2011
Atsuo Konishi, Structural Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Presented in this paper is an outline of a structural design of Tokyo Sky Tree which is a new core facility of digital broadcasting for...
10 October 2011
Dong-Wook Lee, Ji-Young Jung & Hideki Kobayashi, Chiba University; Shinichi Tokuda, Ichijo Komuten
The urban regeneration projects have been built many high-rise building complex in urban areas. In the future, it is expected that increase the need to...
10 October 2011
Takehito Takahashi, Noboru Sakou & Takehshi Hagiwara, Takenaka Corporation Tokyo
Park Front Tower is an office building constructed next to a city park. Due to its location beside a park in the center of Tokyo,...
10 October 2011
Thomas Bock & Thomas Linner, Technische Universität München; Shino Miura, The University of Tokyo
The Tokyo Sky Tree was constructed by using techniques and components of its Automated Building Construction System (ABCS) which they have been developing since the...
01 August 2010
Bridget Lesniak & Robert Neper, Perkins + Will; Donald Hamlin, Thornton Tomasetti
As cities are becoming denser, the functions of high-rises are expanding. In addition, the central business district is no longer the exclusive region of the...
05 February 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup Japan
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuki high rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669ft) 50-story...
01 January 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuku high-rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669 ft) 50-story...
31 December 2007
333 meters high with 72 stories and 480 suites, Rose Rotana Tower in Dubai leads the list of the 10 tallest buildings completed in 2007....
10 October 2004
Yuka Kuma & Hiroatsu Fukuda, The University of Kitakyushu
Although there are a lot of actual achievements of construction in developing cities, we cannot say that it is adequate to guarantee comfortable residential environment...
10 October 2004
Yoshiteru Ohno & Taeseok Seo, Osaka University; Akira Sumi, Takenaka Corporation
This paper surveyed the high-rise RC buildings designed from 1972 till 2001 year about height of a building, structure form, material strength, etc.
10 October 2004
Yukio Murakami, JFE Steel; M. Fushimi, Nippon Steel; H. Suzuki, University of Tsukuba
Drawing from the 9/11 events, the members of the Committee to Study the Redundancy of High-Rise Steel Buildings, which was established within the Japanese Society...
10 October 2004
Hirofumi Okuda, Mitsuru Kageyama, Masayuki Yamanaka & Matsutaro Seki, Obayashi Corporation
This paper describes development of a Hybrid Mass Damper (HMD) and its application an actual high-rise building.
10 October 2004
Yukihiro Masuda, Nobuyuki Takahashi & Toshio Ojima, Waseda University
This paper focuses on deep underground space as the last precious unused space of the mega city, Tokyo. We present an effective way of developing...
10 October 2004
Hirotomo Ohuchi, Satoshi Yamada, Hironori Negoro, et al. Nihon University
This paper discusses the appropriate design for super high-rise condominium. The population of Tokyo, which had been decreasing, began increasing in 1997. High-rise and super...
10 October 2004
Ayaka Sugiyama, Hiromichi Tomoda & An Seonju; Showa Women's University
This paper investigates the life style of the residents in a super-high-rise apartment building, and how inhabitants are strongly influenced by the surrounding environment.
10 October 2004
Seonju An, Hiromichi Tomoda & Ayaka Sugiyama, Showa Women's University
This paper examines the purchase factors for super-high-rise apartment buildings. The residents replied that the most important factor is traffic convenience, and scenery is second.
10 October 2004
Keizo Shimizu, Nippon ERI Co
The paper provides images that relate to the 150-Story Millennium Tower, proposed by Foster and Partners in 1989.
10 October 2004
Takaharu Kawase, Chiba University; Toshihiro Sugiura, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
The construction rushes of tall buildings have been taken place in the center of Tokyo in Japan. Here, the outline of the latest mechanical and...
05 July 2023
Terri Meyer Boake
Height is aspirational, and having the best view from that height has become a driver in contemporary tall building design. Likewise, observation decks are a...
03 April 2023
This report shows that 147 buildings of 200 meters’ height or greater were completed in 2022, a 25 percent increase from 2021, when 118 such...
01 March 2020
Gerard Peet, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Nederlands
Skyscrapers are often seen as a typically American phenomenon. This paper aims at demonstrating that in terms of technology major developments are European and that,...
28 October 2019
James Parakh, City of Toronto Planning Division
In the past 50 years, tall buildings and their relationship to streets and open spaces has evolved through various scales and typologies. As place-makers, how...
29 July 2019
Rafael Ivan Pazos Perez
This research explores the use of artificial intelligence to simulate how cities will grow vertically. By learning how cities have evolved in the recent past,...
01 September 2018
Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are widely used as highly ductile seismic devices, with the first building using BRBs completed in 1989 in Tokyo, and thousands more...
30 April 2018
Elena Mele, Diana Faiella, University of Naples Federico II
Inter-story isolation systems (IIS) are currently gaining significant popularity, mainly in Japan, where more than 60 applications have been realized in the past 20 years....
01 September 2017
Toru Tsuchihashi & Masaharu Yasuda, Mori Building
Installing accelerometers in a building is an effective way to know how the building shakes when an earthquake happens. In this paper, we will introduce...
01 September 2017
Masatoshi Tamari, Tadashi Yoshihara & Masato Miyashita, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc.; et al.
This paper describes some of the challenges for structural design of a mid-story seismic isolated high-rise building, which is located near Tokyo station, completed in...
17 October 2016
Daniel Safarik, Shawn Ursini & Antony Wood; Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
The rise of the megacity presents unprecedented opportunities to understand the human urbanization phenomenon, and to observe the effects of multicore, polycentric cities growing together...
17 October 2016
Patrik Schumacher, Zaha Hadid Architects
Density via high-rise structures remains a primary agenda in our era of urban concentration. It is crucial to understand the societal forces that drive concentration:...
17 October 2016
Jukka Salmikuukka, Tomio Pihkala & Samu Salmelin, KONE
Digitization is reshaping industries and driving the rise of new business models, with new ways of working and new entrants rewriting the rules in the...
01 September 2016
Hideshi Aono, Osamu Hosozawa, Yozo Shinozaki & Yuichi Kimura, Taisei Corporation
Along the subduction-zone of the western Japanese islands, large earthquakes are expected occur around the middle of this century, and long-period ground motions will reach...
01 September 2016
Kazuhiko Kasai, Tokyo Institute of Technoogy
A much higher level of seismic performance is needed for supertall buildings due to increased demands for their functional continuities and the recognized needs for...
01 September 2016
Hiroshi Kawamura, Yoji Ishibashi & Tsutomu Morofushi, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei; et al
This paper describes the structural solution for the design of a 29-story high-rise tower, which features a large office space above the Kabukiza Theatre. Kabuki...
28 January 2016
Shonn Mills, Ramboll; Philip Oldfield, University of New South Wales
The persistent interest in prefabricated modular construction has now turned into high-rise reality, though the results have been inconsistent. Earlier experiments with the approach resulted...
01 December 2015
Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei; Masaru Emura, Obayahi Corporation
This paper introduces the structural design and construction method for the foundation of the TOKYO SKYTREE, a new digital broadcasting tower in Tokyo, which has...
26 October 2015
Hiroo Mori, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
Skyscrapers and their surrounding developments are critical factors in determining a city’s global competitive advantage relative to other cities. These building projects are in fact...
26 October 2015
Terri Boake, University of Waterloo
The rapid densification of cities is a fairly recent phenomenon and seems in many cases to be progressing without regard to important already established urban...
26 October 2015
Yusuke Noguchi, Yozo Shinozaki, Hideki Ichihara & Makoto Kayashima, Taisei Corporation
Manhattan, Chicago, and Tokyo are well known as skyscraper cities. But they have many decrepit buildings built in the early 20th century. It’s a significant...
01 September 2015
Dai Shimazaki and Kentaro Nakagawa, Shimizu Corporation
Shimizu Corporation Tokyo Headquarters, one of the city’s leading office buildings, features many pioneering technologies that contribute to a sustainable society through environmental stewardship and...
20 May 2015
Hiroo Mori, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
As host of the 2020 Summer Olympics, Tokyo is undertaking a major redevelopment effort, giving long-planned projects new energy under the political impetus of the...
20 May 2015
Tomoyuki Someya, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
As a critical asset for the city of Tokyo and its international reputation, the Tokyo Sky Tree was required to incorporate fire safety strategies that...
20 May 2015
David Malott, Keisuke Hiei & Heidi Werner, KPF; Leslie E. Robertson, LERA
“Next Tokyo” imagines a resurgent megacity, adapted to climate change through the realization of a high-density ecodistrict built on resilient infrastructure. The archipelago of reclaimed...
28 April 2015
Erez Golani Solomon, Waseda University; Christian Dimmer, University of Tokyo
The Nakagin Capsule Tower, designed by Kisho Kurokawa and constructed in 1972, is an emblem of the Metabolism movement. With built-in features such as telephones,...
01 March 2015
Takao Mikami & Takao Nishizawa, IHI Inspection & Instrumentation Co. Ltd.
Structural health monitoring is becoming more and more important in the domain of civil engineering as a proper mean to increase and maintain the safety,...
31 December 2014
Daniel Safarik, Antony Wood, Marty Carver & Marshall Gerometta, CTBUH
An All-Time Record 97 Buildings of 200 Meters or Higher Completed in 2014 and 2014 showed further shifts towards Asia, and also surprising developments in...
01 December 2014
Yusuke Yamazaki, Tou Tabuchi, Makoto Kataoka, & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation
This paper introduces recent applications of three-dimensional building/construction data modeling (3D) and building information modeling (BIM) to large-scale complex building construction projects in Japan.
16 September 2014
CTBUH Research
The latest CTBUH technical guide, Green Walls in High-Rise Buildings, provides a thorough investigation of the methods used around the world for implementation of vertical...
01 September 2014
Yasuyoshi Hitomi, Hiroshi Takahashi, & Hidenori Karasaki, Nihon Sekkei
Toranomon Hills is the main building of a large-scale re-development project located in the center of Tokyo. The remarkable feature of this high-rise building is...
01 March 2014
Shuichi Matsumoto, Osamu Hosozawa, Hiroyuki Narihara, et al., Taisei Corporation
In recent years, the performance requested for which an ultra-high rise buildings is diversified.
01 March 2014
Takeshi Kikuchi & Satoru Fujimori, MHS Planners, Architects & Engineers; Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
When seismic isolation system is applied to high aspect-ratio (height/wide-ratio) steel structures, there are several problems to be taken into consideration. One is lifting up...
01 September 2013
Masayoshi Nakai & Kiyoaki Hirakawa, Takenaka Corporation; Masayuki Yamanaka & Hirofumi Okuda, Obayashi Corporation; & Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei
This paper introduces the current status of high-rise building design in Japan, with reference to some recent projects. Firstly, the design approval system and procedures...
01 February 2013
Christopher Groesbeck, VOA Associates
Multi-function universities in tall buildings are still a rarity, but they are growing more common as institutions look for efficient and cost-effective ways to serve...
19 September 2012
Shuichi Otaka, Masayuki Yamanaka & Shokichi Gokan, Obayashi Corporation; Toru Tsuchihashi, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
This paper provides the overview of structural design, adopted devices and construction methods in the Toranomon-Rappongi Area Project. When this project started, construction costs of...
01 June 2012
CTBUH Research
With the recent completion of two megatall telecommunication/observation towers it is perhaps time to review these structures and also explain why they are distinguished from...
01 June 2012
Taiki Sato, Taisei Corporation; Ryozo Ooka, University of Tokyo; & Shuzo Murakami, Building Research Institute
In order to use sea breezes to counter the heat island phenomena, i.e. to promote urban ventilation, it is necessary to clarify the effect of...
01 November 2011
Ryo Mizutani & Shigeru Yoshikai, Kajima Corporation
“Using conventional demolition methods, ten different materials could have been recycled on the job site, returning a recycling rate of 55%.The C&TD method allowed recycling...
10 October 2011
Atsuo Konishi, Structural Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Presented in this paper is an outline of a structural design of Tokyo Sky Tree which is a new core facility of digital broadcasting for...
10 October 2011
Dong-Wook Lee, Ji-Young Jung & Hideki Kobayashi, Chiba University; Shinichi Tokuda, Ichijo Komuten
The urban regeneration projects have been built many high-rise building complex in urban areas. In the future, it is expected that increase the need to...
10 October 2011
Takehito Takahashi, Noboru Sakou & Takehshi Hagiwara, Takenaka Corporation Tokyo
Park Front Tower is an office building constructed next to a city park. Due to its location beside a park in the center of Tokyo,...
10 October 2011
Thomas Bock & Thomas Linner, Technische Universität München; Shino Miura, The University of Tokyo
The Tokyo Sky Tree was constructed by using techniques and components of its Automated Building Construction System (ABCS) which they have been developing since the...
01 August 2010
Bridget Lesniak & Robert Neper, Perkins + Will; Donald Hamlin, Thornton Tomasetti
As cities are becoming denser, the functions of high-rises are expanding. In addition, the central business district is no longer the exclusive region of the...
05 February 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup Japan
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuki high rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669ft) 50-story...
01 January 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuku high-rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669 ft) 50-story...
31 December 2007
333 meters high with 72 stories and 480 suites, Rose Rotana Tower in Dubai leads the list of the 10 tallest buildings completed in 2007....
10 October 2004
Yuka Kuma & Hiroatsu Fukuda, The University of Kitakyushu
Although there are a lot of actual achievements of construction in developing cities, we cannot say that it is adequate to guarantee comfortable residential environment...
10 October 2004
Yoshiteru Ohno & Taeseok Seo, Osaka University; Akira Sumi, Takenaka Corporation
This paper surveyed the high-rise RC buildings designed from 1972 till 2001 year about height of a building, structure form, material strength, etc.
10 October 2004
Yukio Murakami, JFE Steel; M. Fushimi, Nippon Steel; H. Suzuki, University of Tsukuba
Drawing from the 9/11 events, the members of the Committee to Study the Redundancy of High-Rise Steel Buildings, which was established within the Japanese Society...
10 October 2004
Hirofumi Okuda, Mitsuru Kageyama, Masayuki Yamanaka & Matsutaro Seki, Obayashi Corporation
This paper describes development of a Hybrid Mass Damper (HMD) and its application an actual high-rise building.
10 October 2004
Yukihiro Masuda, Nobuyuki Takahashi & Toshio Ojima, Waseda University
This paper focuses on deep underground space as the last precious unused space of the mega city, Tokyo. We present an effective way of developing...
10 October 2004
Hirotomo Ohuchi, Satoshi Yamada, Hironori Negoro, et al. Nihon University
This paper discusses the appropriate design for super high-rise condominium. The population of Tokyo, which had been decreasing, began increasing in 1997. High-rise and super...
10 October 2004
Ayaka Sugiyama, Hiromichi Tomoda & An Seonju; Showa Women's University
This paper investigates the life style of the residents in a super-high-rise apartment building, and how inhabitants are strongly influenced by the surrounding environment.
10 October 2004
Seonju An, Hiromichi Tomoda & Ayaka Sugiyama, Showa Women's University
This paper examines the purchase factors for super-high-rise apartment buildings. The residents replied that the most important factor is traffic convenience, and scenery is second.
10 October 2004
Keizo Shimizu, Nippon ERI Co
The paper provides images that relate to the 150-Story Millennium Tower, proposed by Foster and Partners in 1989.
10 October 2004
Takaharu Kawase, Chiba University; Toshihiro Sugiura, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
The construction rushes of tall buildings have been taken place in the center of Tokyo in Japan. Here, the outline of the latest mechanical and...
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