CTBUH Silver Member

CB Engineers


Member Since: 2006

Member Offices: San Francisco

Website: http://www.cbengineers.com/

Engineering by its nature has constraints: We must follow the laws of physics, thermodynamics and practicality, of course. But so does every other engineering firm out there. What sets them apart is how they work with those laws to give their clients greater freedom.

Every ounce of CB Engineers' energy goes into creating intelligent, innovative engineering solutions that give clients the freedom to meet or exceed their goals, whether it is higher re-sale value, or the ability to create an aesthetic that produces greater visual impact.

Their purpose is to collaborate with enthusiasm, serve clients responsively, promote environmental sustainability, contribute to profitable growth and fulfill the vision of CB Engineers.

Fields of Expertise

Fire Engineering


1 Wells Fargo Center

213 m / 698 ft

2 The Avery

188 m / 618 ft

3 One Rincon Hill South Tower

184 m / 605 ft

4 One Rincon Hill North Tower

165 m / 541 ft

5 The Century

146 m / 478 ft

6 500 Folsom

133 m / 435 ft

7 One World Place

129 m / 424 ft

8 Fifteen Fifty

129 m / 422 ft

9 399 Fremont

122 m / 400 ft

10 8 NEMA

118 m / 387 ft

1 Wells Fargo Center

213 m / 698 ft

2 The Avery

188 m / 618 ft

3 One Rincon Hill South Tower

184 m / 605 ft

4 One Rincon Hill North Tower

165 m / 541 ft

5 The Century

146 m / 478 ft

6 500 Folsom

133 m / 435 ft

7 One World Place

129 m / 424 ft

8 Fifteen Fifty

129 m / 422 ft

9 399 Fremont

122 m / 400 ft

10 8 NEMA

118 m / 387 ft

11 299 Fremont

91 m / 300 ft

12 18 NEMA

75 m / 245 ft

13 2300 Calle De Luna

73 m / 238 ft