Architecture by Belova is about finding the balance and synergy between nature and buildings, clients and design team, desire and possibility. But it is also about inspiration and fun. Enjoying the journey that every project offers. From single family dwellings to offices and beach bars - there is no limit to their desire to design any kind of spaces.
CTBUH Europe Scientific and Advisory Group, 2023 – Present
19 June 2019
Join CTBUH Serbia for a regional conference, which promises to assemble leading architects, designers, construction experts, and developers for an engaging series of presentations.
15 May 2019
CTBUH Bulgaria hosted a seminar on the development of tall buildings in the country, exploring their influences and transformation over the past decades.
01 February 2017
Bulgaria has officially received its first CTBUH Country Representative. As such, it seemed appropriate to describe the state of tall building development in the country.
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