CTBUH Silver Member



Member Since: 2014

Member Offices: Houston

Website: http://www.hines.com

Hines approaches property and facility management from an owner’s perspective, delivering unparalleled service, asset management, energy efficiency and the reduction of real estate investment risk.

Properties managed by Hines outperform their competition time and time again, with a better caliber tenant, higher rents, consistently superior tenant satisfaction ratings and extraordinarily high retention rates. It’s understandable then that the company is recognized as a leader by various management and energy-efficiency benchmarks worldwide.

By combining an owner's goals and objectives with property management expertise, Hines adds value to real estate across the globe. The firm brings a half-century’s experience and a depth of knowledge to all its management clients.

Fields of Expertise



Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.



Architecturally Topped Out

Structurally Topped Out

Under Construction

On Hold



Never Completed


Competition Entry


Proposed Renovation

Under Renovation


Under Demolition

1 One Vanderbilt Avenue
427 m / 1,401  ft
2 Salesforce Tower
326.1 m / 1,070  ft
3 53 West 53
320.1 m / 1,050  ft
4 JPMorgan Chase Tower
305.4 m / 1,002  ft
5 50 Main Street
302.4 m / 992  ft
6 Williams Tower
274.6 m / 901  ft
7 Devon Energy Center
257.2 m / 844  ft
8 Salesforce Tower
254.6 m / 835  ft
9 One Atlantic Center
249.9 m / 820  ft
10 One Museum Place
248.9 m / 816  ft


T3 Collingwood

Winner: T3 Collingwood

Best Tall Building, by Region, Oceania 2024

Ctbuh Leaders

Simon Baxter

Simon Baxter

CTBUH United Kingdom Chapter, 2023 – Present


Associated companies

Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.

1 One Vanderbilt Avenue

427 m / 1,401 ft

2 Salesforce Tower

326 m / 1,070 ft

3 53 West 53

320 m / 1,050 ft

4 JPMorgan Chase Tower

305 m / 1,002 ft

5 50 Main Street

302 m / 992 ft

6 Williams Tower

275 m / 901 ft

7 Devon Energy Center

257 m / 844 ft

8 Salesforce Tower

255 m / 835 ft

9 One Atlantic Center

250 m / 820 ft

10 One Museum Place

249 m / 816 ft

11 542-550 Howard Street

244 m / 800 ft

12 CIBC Square II

243 m / 798 ft

13 CIBC Square I

241 m / 792 ft

14 300 North LaSalle

239 m / 785 ft

15 30 Hudson Street

238 m / 781 ft

16 TC Energy Center

238 m / 780 ft

17 Capella Tower

237 m / 776 ft

18 Wells Fargo Center

236 m / 775 ft

19 191 Peachtree Tower

235 m / 770 ft

20 70 West Madison

234 m / 767 ft

21 Southeast Financial Center

233 m / 764 ft

22 Enterprise Plaza

230 m / 756 ft

23 383 Madison Avenue

230 m / 755 ft

24 609 Main at Texas

230 m / 755 ft

25 Centerpoint Energy Plaza

226 m / 741 ft

26 Dallas Arts Tower

225 m / 738 ft

27 Texas Tower

224 m / 735 ft

28 River Point

223 m / 732 ft


220 m / 722 ft

30 Unicredit Tower

218 m / 714 ft

31 One Shell Plaza

218 m / 714 ft

32 Wells Fargo Center

213 m / 698 ft

33 Eighth Avenue Place East Tower

212 m / 696 ft

34 1585 Broadway

209 m / 685 ft

35 South Station Tower

206 m / 677 ft

36 Wolf Point East

204 m / 668 ft

37 1180 Peachtree

200 m / 657 ft

38 Main Tower

200 m / 656 ft

39 18 Blackfriars Road Office Tower

195 m / 639 ft

40 BG Group Place

193 m / 632 ft

41 Safeco Plaza

192 m / 630 ft

42 415 20th Street

190 m / 623 ft

43 Ally Detroit Center

189 m / 619 ft

44 750 Seventh Avenue

187 m / 615 ft

45 Tour T1

185 m / 607 ft

46 1144 Fifteenth

184 m / 602 ft

47 1500 Louisiana Street

183 m / 600 ft

48 600 Collins

182 m / 597 ft

49 Tours DUO 1

180 m / 591 ft

50 Tour Saint-Gobain

180 m / 590 ft

51 Eighth Avenue Place West Tower

177 m / 580 ft

52 One South Dearborn

174 m / 571 ft

53 450 Lexington Avenue

173 m / 568 ft

54 US Bank Plaza I

171 m / 561 ft

55 Northwestern Mutual Tower and Commons

169 m / 554 ft

56 400 West Market

167 m / 549 ft

57 Brava

167 m / 549 ft

58 Bank of America Fifth Avenue Plaza

166 m / 543 ft

59 Tour Carpe Diem

162 m / 531 ft

60 102nd Street Centre

161 m / 528 ft

61 Pennzoil Place I

159 m / 523 ft

61 Pennzoil Place II

159 m / 523 ft

63 Fourth and Madison Building

156 m / 512 ft

64 Huntington Center

156 m / 512 ft

65 321 North Clark Street

155 m / 510 ft

66 Harris Bank Bank Addition II

155 m / 510 ft

67 Renaissance Center 100 Tower

155 m / 509 ft

67 Renaissance Center 200 Tower

155 m / 509 ft

67 Renaissance Center 300 Tower

155 m / 509 ft

67 Renaissance Center 400 Tower

155 m / 509 ft

71 18 Blackfriars Road Stamford Building

151 m / 494 ft

72 Hines-Hochhaus

150 m / 492 ft

73 Pacific Gas & Electric Building

150 m / 492 ft

74 333 West Wacker Drive

149 m / 487 ft

75 Wolf Point West

148 m / 485 ft

76 Uptown Munchen

146 m / 479 ft

77 6624 Fannin Tower

145 m / 477 ft

78 Solaria

143 m / 469 ft

79 7 Bryant Park

138 m / 454 ft

80 717 Texas Avenue

138 m / 453 ft

81 540 West Madison Street

138 m / 453 ft

82 53rd at Third

138 m / 453 ft

83 Residences at La Colombe d’Or

138 m / 452 ft

84 Three Ravinia Drive

135 m / 444 ft

85 225 West Wacker

132 m / 433 ft

86 BOK Park Plaza

132 m / 433 ft

86 Corporativo Reforma Diana

132 m / 433 ft

88 The Victor

132 m / 432 ft

89 600 Lexington

130 m / 425 ft

90 505 Montgomery

130 m / 425 ft

91 Wells Fargo Center

129 m / 423 ft

92 Residencial del Bosque 1

129 m / 422 ft

92 Residencial del Bosque 2

129 m / 422 ft

94 North Loop Green Residential Tower

127 m / 418 ft

95 31 West 52nd Street

125 m / 411 ft

96 Fifty South Sixth

123 m / 404 ft

97 Tours DUO 2

122 m / 400 ft

98 Carillon Tower

120 m / 394 ft

99 Torre Almirante

120 m / 394 ft

100 Main Street Apartments

119 m / 392 ft

101 Charlotte Plaza

118 m / 388 ft

102 The Lumen

116 m / 382 ft

103 Bosco Verticale Torre E

116 m / 380 ft

104 33 Tehama

116 m / 380 ft

105 Reforma 265

115 m / 377 ft

106 One Madison Avenue

114 m

374 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 26 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,163 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
107 Amazon Nitro North

114 m / 373 ft

108 Aris Market Square

113 m / 371 ft

109 500 Boylston Street

111 m / 365 ft

110 Tour Logica

110 m / 361 ft

111 PNC Center

108 m / 354 ft

112 101 Second Street

108 m / 354 ft

113 Amegy Tower

108 m / 354 ft

114 303 East Wacker Drive

107 m / 350 ft

115 South Station Air Rights Development Phase 2

106 m / 349 ft

116 One Renaissance Square

106 m / 347 ft

117 2555 Grand Avenue

106 m / 347 ft

118 333 North Water Street

106 m / 347 ft

119 Hilcorp Energy Tower

106 m / 346 ft

120 One Horizon Center

104 m / 341 ft

121 Two Horizon Center

104 m / 341 ft

122 Two Shell Plaza

104 m / 341 ft

123 Bank of America Center

102 m / 336 ft

124 Kaiser Engineering Building

102 m / 336 ft

125 499 Park Avenue

102 m / 335 ft

126 55 Second Street

101 m / 330 ft

127 Porta Nuova Garibaldi Tower B

100 m / 328 ft

128 Union Pacific Center

100 m / 328 ft

129 222 2nd Avenue South

99 m / 326 ft

130 Fort Worth City Hall

99 m / 324 ft

131 US Bank Plaza II

98 m / 321 ft

132 Sterling Plaza

96 m / 315 ft

133 One Victory Park

95 m / 310 ft

134 215-245 Market Street

94 m / 307 ft

135 Aria

92 m / 302 ft

136 200 South Tryon Street

91 m / 299 ft

137 Hawthorne Plaza

91 m / 299 ft

138 18 Blackfriars Road Paris Building

91 m / 298 ft

139 Tower 333

90 m / 294 ft

140 1213 Walnut

90 m / 294 ft

141 VN Oscar Freire

89 m

292 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 26 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,464 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
142 Illa de la Llum 1

88 m / 290 ft

143 The Centennial

88 m / 289 ft

144 The Southmore

87 m / 284 ft

145 South Station Air Rights Development Phase 3

85 m / 279 ft

146 Bosco Verticale Torre D

84 m / 276 ft

147 South Temple Tower

84 m / 274 ft

148 Frontier

82 m / 268 ft

149 555 Greenwhich+345 Hudson

81 m / 266 ft

150 300 Capitol Mall

81 m / 265 ft

151 345 Hudson Street

80 m / 264 ft

152 BB&T Square

76 m / 250 ft

153 5 Greenspoint Place

76 m / 249 ft

154 Tours Helka Student Dortoir

75 m

246 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 22 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,464 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
155 601 Travis Street

73 m / 240 ft

156 North Loop Green Office Tower

73 m / 240 ft

157 Torre del Ángel

72 m / 237 ft

158 Solea

72 m / 235 ft

159 Illa del Lac 2

70 m / 230 ft

160 The Stack Deep Ellum

66 m / 217 ft

161 200 Park Place

66 m

217 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 15 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,163 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
161 One MRO

66 m

217 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 15 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,163 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
163 Lincoln Common Tower 1

65 m / 214 ft

163 Lincoln Common Tower 2

65 m / 214 ft

165 Illa de la Llum 2

63 m / 207 ft

166 T3 Collingwood

63 m / 207 ft

167 Aqualuna at Bayside

62 m / 202 ft

168 Porta Nuova Garibaldi Tower C

62 m / 202 ft

169 One Oak Brook Commons

61 m / 199 ft

170 700 Eleventh Street

61 m / 199 ft

171 Hilton Houston Post Oak

53 m / 173 ft

172 2330 Broadway

53 m / 173 ft

173 Aquabella at Bayside

51 m / 167 ft

174 Amazon Nitro South / Mary's Place

43 m / 141 ft

175 T3 Bayside

42 m / 138 ft

176 T3 Sterling Road Building 5A

40 m / 131 ft

177 T3 Sterling Road Building 3A

32 m / 104 ft

178 T3

26 m / 85 ft

178 T3 West Midtown

26 m / 85 ft

180 Northpark 100 Tower


181 110 10th Street Northeast


182 200 Mission Street


183 Elevate Tower A


183 Elevate Tower B


183 Elevate Tower D


183 Elevate Tower E


187 Elevate Tower C


188 590 West Madison


188 South Flagler House East Tower


188 South Flagler House West Tower


191 Metropolitan Life Home Office Building


192 T3 Mount Pleasant


CTBUH Initiatives Involving Hines

CTBUH Chicago Hosts Panel Discussion at the CAC

22 May 2019

The Chicago Chapter of the CTBUH hosted a panel discussion at the CAC on the topics of new construction, refurbishment and affordability in relation to the city of Chicago.

7 Bryant Park Office Building Tour

28 October 2015

CTBUH 2015 delegates toured 7 Bryant Park Office Building which sits on a block-long site fronting on the Avenue of the Americas between 39th and 40th streets.

EMI Lead Chicago Tall-Building Study Trip

25–29 May 2015

A group of 20 Belgian real estate professionals traveled to Chicago from May 25-29 to visit several tall buildings, and related developments as part of a CTBUH Belgium study trip.

CTBUH San Francisco Hosts Capacity Crowd for Transbay Discussion

03 June 2014

A panel discussion featuring the two tallest buildings in San Francisco, Salesforce Tower and 181 Fremont Street, was attended by approximately 125 people.

Design, Cost and Return on Investment

23 January 2014

The chapter's fifth event included video presentations by Peter Rees, the Chief Planning Officer for London & a case study of The Gherkin by Kent Gardner, its owner.

Visit to the 300 North LaSalle Tower, Chicago

03 November 2010

CTBUH staffers participated in a tour of the recently completed 300 North LaSalle Building in downtown Chicago.