CTBUH Gold Member

DCI Engineers


Member Since: 2014

Member Offices: Seattle

Website: http://www.dci-engineers.com/

Mark D’Amato and Guy Conversano founded DCI in 1988, beginning the adventure out of one of their basements. From the start, they were committed to creating the kind of environment that would enable employees to thrive and make clients want to come back. That same tradition of commitment to our clients and employees alike continues to fuel the leadership of today.

DCI has long been on the leading edge when it comes to industry technology, but for us, technology is more than just new gadgets: it’s combining the promise of these new tools with our history of innovative ideas to save our clients money.

DCI is based in Seattle, with offices in Spokane, Portland, San Diego, Austin, Irvine, San Francisco, and Anchorage. We are licensed in all 50 states and most Canadian provinces.

Fields of Expertise

Seismic Design; Structural Engineering


Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.



Architecturally Topped Out

Structurally Topped Out

Under Construction

On Hold



Never Completed


Competition Entry


Proposed Renovation

Under Renovation


Under Demolition

1 The Independent
211.4 m / 694  ft
2 ELEV8 Office
182.9 m / 600  ft
3 Madison Centre
170.7 m / 560  ft
4 The Grand by Gehry
155.7 m / 511  ft
5 1918 8th Avenue
152.4 m / 500  ft
6 ELEV8 Apartments
140.2 m / 460  ft
7 ELEV8 Condominum
140.2 m / 460  ft
8 ELEV8 Hotel
140.2 m / 460  ft
9 1800 Terry
134.1 m / 440  ft
10 The 8 Tower
132.3 m / 434  ft


The Independent

Award of Excellence: The Independent

Best Tall Building, by Function, Residential or Hotel 2022

Ctbuh Leaders

Roger Heeringa

Roger Heeringa

CTBUH Seattle Chapter, 2018 – Present


Kristopher Swanson

Kristopher Swanson

CTBUH Texas Chapter, 2023 – Present


Building Completions Timeline


23 May 2022

Three Projects, Three Levels Of Steel-Timber Hybrid Complexity

Case studies include Bullitt Center, Seattle, using steel BRB diagonal frames; Skylight, Portland, using GLT post-and-beam construction with steel tensioners and secondary frame; and 1...

View all


23 May 2022

Interactive Study - The State of Tall Timber: A Global Audit

This data study represents the significant recent momentum of the mass-timber movement worldwide. There are now 139 mass timber buildings around the world of eight...

View all

Global News

14 July 2023

First High-Rise on Treasure Island Topped Off

On July 11th, a steel beam was added to "top off" the first high-rise to be built on Treasure Island. The 22-story tower, Tidal House,...

View all

Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.

1 The Independent

211 m / 694 ft

2 ELEV8 Office

183 m / 600 ft

3 Madison Centre

171 m / 560 ft

4 The Grand by Gehry

156 m / 511 ft

5 1918 8th Avenue

152 m / 500 ft

6 ELEV8 Apartments

140 m / 460 ft

6 ELEV8 Condominum

140 m / 460 ft

8 ELEV8 Hotel

140 m / 460 ft

9 1800 Terry

134 m / 440 ft

10 The 8 Tower

132 m / 434 ft

11 Fifteen Fifty

129 m / 422 ft

12 1500 Mission Street

121 m / 396 ft

13 1101 8th Avenue Tower 1

105 m / 345 ft

13 1101 8th Avenue Tower 2

105 m / 345 ft

15 Cielo

102 m / 335 ft

16 Conrad Los Angeles

99 m / 326 ft

17 Waterloo Tower

98 m / 320 ft

18 MIRO East Tower

91 m / 298 ft

18 MIRO West Tower

91 m / 298 ft

20 San Francisco Planning, Building and Public Works Departments

73 m / 238 ft

21 818 Stewart

67 m / 220 ft

22 ANDYS at 1510 Webster Street

65 m

213 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 19 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,458 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
23 Four50

57 m / 187 ft

24 Residence Inn Grand Rapids

49 m / 162 ft

25 Emmons on 3rd

26 m / 86 ft

26 Heartwood

25 m / 83 ft

27 India & Beech


28 Tidal House


29 259 West Riverside Avenue



Average Building Age*

8 Years

Most Common Function*

Mixed-use (50%)

Most Common Material*

Concrete (67%)

* Based on 150 m+ buildings currently in the database

Based on 4 buildings over 150 m height with a function
Based on 3 buildings over 150 m height with a material

Building Completions Timeline

Building Map

Construction Time Chart

NOTE: Construction start time is not available for all buildings. The average construction time is only displayed if there is three or more buildings with construction start and complete data in that year.

Ctbuh Leaders At DCI Engineers

CTBUH Seattle Chapter, 2018 – Present

Roger Heeringa

Principal, DCI Engineers

CTBUH Texas Chapter, 2023 – Present

Kristopher Swanson

Principal, DCI Engineers

23 May 2022

Three Projects, Three Levels Of Steel-Timber Hybrid Complexity

Case studies include Bullitt Center, Seattle, using steel BRB diagonal frames; Skylight, Portland, using GLT post-and-beam construction with steel tensioners and secondary frame; and 1...

23 May 2022

Heartwood Workforce Housing : Glulam / CLT and Steel BRB Frames

Heartwood is a 126-unit workforce housing project, one of the first Type IV-C 8-story mass timber/steel hybrid and is currently under construction in Seattle, WA....

23 May 2022

Interactive Study - The State of Tall Timber: A Global Audit

CTBUH Research

This data study represents the significant recent momentum of the mass-timber movement worldwide. There are now 139 mass timber buildings around the world of eight...

12 December 2019

Interactive Study on Year in Review: Tall Trends of 2019

CTBUH Research

The year 2019 was remarkable for the tall building industry, with 26 supertall buildings (300 meters or taller) completed, the most in any year. This...

14 July 2023

First High-Rise on Treasure Island Topped Off

On July 11th, a steel beam was added to "top off" the first high-rise to be built on Treasure Island. The 22-story tower, Tidal House,...

12 June 2023

Mass Timber Tower Rising in Oakland

Construction is underway in Oakland for a first-of-its-kind high rise apartment building that could be among the tallest beamless mass plywood panel structure in the...

02 November 2022

Mass Timber Luxury Residential Development Proposed for Spokane

atelierjones led an integrated design team for the proposal of a 178,000-square-foot (16,536-square-meter) mass timber housing project in Spokane, Washington that would deliver both market...

24 August 2022

Student Housing Tower Opens Ahead of Schedule in Austin

Waterloo Tower, the tallest new student-housing tower is now open. The building was delivered ahead of schedule and is already fully leased, according to a...

09 December 2019

Financial Backing Clears Way for High-Rise in San Diego

Parkview Financial announced it has provided a US$7 million loan to San Francisco-based India & Beech, LLC for the acquisition of a land parcel and...

13 February 2019

The Grand Development Breaks Ground in Los Angeles

Gehry Partners’ twin-towered The Grand development in Downtown Los Angeles broke ground on 12 February, 2019. The sizable mixed-use complex is to be located directly...

CTBUH Initiatives Involving DCI Engineers

CTBUH Seattle Debates HALA’s Impact on Downtown Development

18 April 2017

The annual CTBUH Seattle Spring Forum featured a panel discussion examining and interpreting the impact of Seattle’s "HALA" on future downtown development.