CTBUH Silver Member

Rockefeller Group


Member Since: 2015

Member Offices: New York City

Website: http://www.rockefellergroup.com/

The Rockefeller Group is a private corporation dedicated to excellence in commercial real estate, real estate services, and telecommunications services to commercial clients. They have engaged in some of America’s most significant real estate endeavors. The company began with the development of the world’s finest urban business and entertainment complex, Rockefeller Center.

The focus of The Rockefeller Group is sophisticated real estate investment management through the development, acquisition and management of superior urban and industrial properties.

They strive to further enhance our reputation as a leading real estate investment manager recognized globally for the consistent development, acquisition and management of exceptional urban and industrial properties.

Fields of Expertise

Owner (Buildings, Land)


1 Comcast Building

259 m / 850 ft

2 1251 Avenue of the Americas

229 m / 750 ft

3 1072 West Peachtree Street

223 m / 733 ft

4 McGraw-Hill Building

205 m / 674 ft

5 Rose Hill

189 m / 620 ft

6 Celanese Building

180 m / 592 ft

7 1271 Avenue of the Americas

179 m / 587 ft

8 Lehman Building

175 m / 575 ft

9 Continental Center

169 m / 554 ft

10 International Building

156 m / 512 ft

Associated companies

1 Comcast Building

259 m / 850 ft

2 1251 Avenue of the Americas

229 m / 750 ft

3 1072 West Peachtree Street

223 m / 733 ft

4 McGraw-Hill Building

205 m / 674 ft

5 Rose Hill

189 m / 620 ft

6 Celanese Building

180 m / 592 ft

7 1271 Avenue of the Americas

179 m / 587 ft

8 Lehman Building

175 m / 575 ft

9 Continental Center

169 m / 554 ft

10 International Building

156 m / 512 ft

11 200 East 83rd Street

149 m / 489 ft

12 One Rockefeller Plaza

149 m / 489 ft

13 75 Rockefeller Plaza

129 m / 424 ft

14 1270 Avenue of the Americas

125 m / 409 ft

15 8th Avenue Residence

113 m / 369 ft

16 Boro Tower

87 m / 286 ft

17 Flushing Commons Phase I

56 m / 184 ft

18 16 Dupont Street


19 Flushing Commons Phase II
