CTBUH Silver Member

Kinetica Dynamics


Member Since: 2011

Member Offices: Toronto

Website: http://www.kineticadynamics.com

Kinetica engineers are experts in advanced damping and isolation technologies which enhance the performance of buildings and infrastructure that is subjected to dynamic loads such as wind storms and extreme earthquakes. Kinetica is a leader in the design and implementation of new innovative high-performance structural control technologies.

Kinetica markets the cutting-edge VCD technology that greatly enhances the performance of high-rise buildings and results in significant savings while improving the comfort of occupants and the resilience of these important structures. Through the use of advanced vibration control technologies Kinetica engineers are committed to making more efficient, safer and more robust structures throughout the world.

Fields of Expertise

Structural Engineering




Architecturally Topped Out

Structurally Topped Out

Under Construction

On Hold



Never Completed


Competition Entry


Proposed Renovation

Under Renovation


Under Demolition

1 Park Central North Tower
276 m / 906  ft
2 Park Central South Tower
217 m / 712  ft
3 BWDC Residential Tower
217 m / 712  ft
4 The Pemberton
215.8 m / 708  ft
5 YC Condominiums
202.2 m / 664  ft
6 Fuyu
184.9 m / 607  ft
7 Aki
177 m / 581  ft
8 Connor at Greenhills
174.5 m / 573  ft
9 Natsu
163.8 m / 537  ft
10 Haru
155.2 m / 509  ft


YC Condominiums

Award of Excellence: YC Condominiums

Structure Award 2019

Ctbuh Leaders

Michael Montgomery

Michael Montgomery

CTBUH Toronto Chapter, 2013 – Present


1 Park Central North Tower

276 m / 906 ft

2 Park Central South Tower

217 m / 712 ft

3 BWDC Residential Tower

217 m / 712 ft

4 The Pemberton

216 m / 708 ft

5 YC Condominiums

202 m / 664 ft

6 Fuyu

185 m / 607 ft

7 Aki

177 m / 581 ft

8 Connor at Greenhills

175 m / 573 ft

9 Natsu

164 m / 537 ft

10 Haru

155 m / 509 ft

CTBUH Initiatives Involving Kinetica

CTBUH Canada Tours YC Condos

21 March 2018

The CTBUH Canada Chapter held a construction tour of YC Condos, a 66-story tower development in downtown Toronto.

CTBUH Leaders Connect at 2017 Conference

29 October 2017

The Annual Leaders Meeting was held the day before the start of the CTBUH 2017 Australia Conference, bringing together the Council’s leaders.

CTBUH Seismic Working Group Workshop Talks Industry Developments

29 October 2017

During the CTBUH 2017 Conference, the CTBUH Seismic Working Group Workshop welcomed a handful of industry experts to discuss the latest advances in performance-based seismic design.

Toronto Regional Tour

29–30 October 2015

CTBUH 2015 delegates toured Toronto under the lead of CTBUH Canada. The highly successful tour led to many discussion on the lessons learned.

CTBUH Canada Tours ICE Condos at York Center, Toronto

19 November 2014

The CTBUH Canada chapter hosted a tour – ironically during an early winter snow storm – of the ICE Condominiums.

CTBUH Canada Hosts Event on Imports and Acquisitions

05 November 2014

More than 80 people attended the event which sought to answer the question, What new technologies and techniques are influencing the way we build tall in Toronto?