14–17 November 2023
In tandem with the launch of three regional hubs across our entire network, regional conferences representing CTBUH Americas, CTBUH Europe, and CTBUH Asia will kick off this spring and serve as the primary annual gathering of these groups.
09 December 2021
This webinar will cover a wide range of topics relevant to the challenges of tall building construction - from planning and design to finding the right place and finishing the job.
09 December 2021
The Global Walking Tours have been held since 2014 to celebrate urban habitat aspects that make cities great. This year's theme is "Towers & Transit" - touring tall buildings and their related transit infrastructure. Shanghai has developed a lot along with Huangpu river. This year we will have a tour on both side which are located in Xuhui Riverside and Pudong Qiantan area.
11 November 2021
Join CTBUH for the 2021 Taipei Global Walking Tour. The tour will look at three transportation hubs that connect the local CBD of three areas - the city hall station of New Taipei City, the old train station of old Taipei and the City Hall / Xinyi CBD transit hub. We will look at how each transit center connects to national / regional transportation and then to the surrounding office buildings and shopping malls. The tour will start at Banqiao Main Station, New Taipei City and finish at Taipei City Hall Bus Station.
08–12 November 2021
The CTBUH 2021 International Conference is unlike any other, comprising CTBUH chapter events staged across multiple times zones around the world.
17 June 2021
CTBUH China holds a symposium on the theme "Mixed-Use Community“. The event is held at OōEli, Hangzhou.
27 May 2021
CTBUH China holds a symposium on the theme "polycentric cites". The event is held at Luxelakes Eco-city, Chengdu.
12 November 2020
This event explores how health and sustainability are vital in the process of urbanization, and explores strategies from leading urbanists about how to balance nature and well-being in dense environments.
17 September 2020
Held at the 341-meter-tall Shenzhen Bay Tower 7, the conference, sponsored by Parkland, featured a myriad of presentations on optimizing wellness, comfort, and health in the built environment.
02 July 2020
This symposium gathered many successful practitioners sharing their experiences and discussing the recreation of the urban realm in the sky through connections between buildings at height.
16 June 2020
This virtual event focuses on the future of post-pandemic high-rise office building operation and development.
09 January 2020
Join CTBUH in China for a symposium on the renovation of tall buildings. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from international firms such as OTIS, CRTKL, JLL and many more.
08 November 2019
This international symposium on “Headquarters Design” gathers successful practitioners to share their experiences in the design of headquarter buildings.
07 November 2019
This CTBUH International Symposium brings together innovators from the fields of information technology, architectural design, structural technology, materials and equipment, and more.
28 August 2019
In celebration of Jin Mao Tower's 20th anniversary, CTBUH China presents an international conference discussing the historical evolution and development trend of super tall buildings.
31 July 2019
Three researchers from the CTBUH Skybridges Research Team visited four key skybridge-linked projects in Shenzhen, Chongqing, Beijing, and Kuala Lumpur.
18 July 2019
Join CTBUH for a half-day symposium at one of the world’s most significant skybridge-linked projects, Beijing’s Linked Hybrid.
18 July 2019
More than 100 attendees gathered at Linked Hybrid for a symposium held in conjunction with the forthcoming skybridge research project, “Bringing the Horizontal Into the Vertical Realm.”
13 July 2019
Join CTBUH for a conference exploring major academic theories and engineering practice issues on super high-rise construction technology.
05 July 2019
Organized under the theme, "Visiting Old, Learn New," this year's CTBUH-sponsored China-Japan-Korea Tall Building Forum drew more than 80 participants from five countries.
27 June–09 August 2019
Join the CTBUH Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee for the sixth annual Global Walking Tour, following the theme 50 Forward | 50 Back. Join a walk in your city!
27 June 2019
The CTBUH Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee organized its sixth annual Global Walking Tours, which took place in 25 cities around the world.
10–24 May 2019
International Competition Bid Invitation: Tender for The preliminary design of Qianhai Leju Guiwan Talent's Apartment.
11 April 2019
In celebration of the establishment of the CTBUH Hong Kong Chapter, the Council is excited to announce the Chapter's inaugural event.
08–10 April 2019
The annual CTBUH Tall + Urban Innovation Conference moved to China for the first time in 2019, where a global audience witnessed the final rounds of the CTBUH Awards Program and toured numerous projects underway in one of China's most dynamic cities.
29 January 2019
This symposium explores how new technological innovations can foster a healthy living environment in tall buildings, within both office and residential spaces.
29 January 2019
One Shenzhen Bay Tower 7 in Shenzhen, China installed a CTBUH Signboard recognizing its incorporation of the “World’s Highest Concert Hall.”
29 January 2019
CTBUH China hosted a symposium which explored the development of smart offices, addressing challenges brought by rapid technological advancements and growing populations.
25 January 2019
This symposium explores how to develop strong design in both exterior and interior settings, and how to harness design properties to enhance the experience for tall building occupants.
25 January 2019
The CTBUH China Office successfully held a Symposium in Guangzhou revolving around the theme: "Spatial Design: Inside and Outisde of Skyscrapers."
22 January 2019
Check out our monthly predictions based on our industry intelligence to see what trends and milestones will shape the industry in the year to come!
21 January 2019
IIT-CTBUH High Rise Studio, led by CTBUH China Office Director and Academic Coordinator, Dr. Peng Du, visited various high-rises throughout Shenzen.
25 November 2018
CTBUH China participated in the Shanghai Tower International Vertical Marathon, climbing to the 119th floor of the building.
16 September 2018
CTBUH China participated in the 2018 Urban Vision of the Central Yangtze River International Summit focusing on transformative and integrated urban spaces.
29 August 2018
The winner of the CTBUH 2018 Research Seed Funding, sponsored by Sun Hung Kai Properties, is Dr. Ye Yu, who will research the health impacts of public spaces.
28 August 2018
The event celebrated the anniversary of GOA, convening a panel discussion featuring CTBUH China Associate Director Jiaqi Qu.
02 August 2018
Join the Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee for the 2018 Global Walking Tour. This year, tours will explore the role of the Tall Building in waterfronts and other natural settings.
20 July–07 October 2018
Join the Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee for the 2018 Global Walking Tour. This year, tours will explore the role of the Tall Building in waterfronts and other natural settings.
09 July 2018
“Sustainable Vertical Urbanism” symposium held by CTBUH/Tongji with speakers including CTBUH Academic & Teaching Committee members.
28 June 2018
TAIPEI 101 hosted an event called “Global Tall: Skyscraper Trends, Drivers and Challenges” to discuss the global trends of skyscraper construction, the forum saw valued guests from industry participants, government agencies and academia, including: CTBUH Advisory Board member Joseph Chou and CTBUH Executive Director Antony Wood.
28 June 2018
Please join CTBUH Taiwan for an exciting conversation about global trends and challenges in the tall building industry.
22 June 2018
CTBUH participated in the China Zun Forum which explored how the China Zun tower can serve as an innovative model for the international tall building industry.
20 June 2018
Suzhou IFS recently installed a CTBUH Signboard, recognizing the building as the eighth tallest building in mainland China and the tallest building in the Jiangsu province.
19 June 2018
Tongji University and CTBUH China will co-organize a symposium called "Future of Vertical Cities," on Tuesday, June 19, 2018.
19 June 2018
CTBUH China held its board meeting at Tongji University in Shanghai, which was followed by a half-day symposium titled "The Future of Vertical Cities"
15 June 2018
The 2018 China-Japan-Korea Tall Building Forum was held on June 15th, 2018 at the Busan Haeundae Grand Hotel in Korea.
17 January 2018
Check out all of our 2018 Tall Building Predictions, and dive into the full 2017 Tall Building Year in Review data report.
19 December 2017
CTBUH and TJUP are pleased to announce the release of Issue 12 of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the official publication of CTBUH in China.
17 November 2017
In the unique environment of the Chinese market, what are the decisive factors in selecting the design of tall buildings?
17 November 2017
CTBUH China and Shanghai Young Professionals Committee (YPC) co-hosted a symposium on “Gains and Losses in Tall Building Design Competitions.”
18 October 2017
CTBUH and TJUP are pleased to announce the release of Issue 11 of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the official publication of CTBUH in China.
17 October 2017
The College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University and CTBUH China will co-organize a one-day symposium on Sustainable Vertical Urbanism on Tuesday, October 17.
17 October 2017
The College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University and CTBUH China co-organized a one-day symposium on Sustainable Vertical Urbanism.
16 October 2017
The School of Architecture at Qingdao University of Technology and CTBUH China will co-organize a symposium called "Evolving DiverCity - Towards Shared Vertical Urbanism."
16 October 2017
The School of Architecture at Qingdao University of Technology and CTBUH China co-organized a symposium entitled “Evolving DiverCity - Towards Shared Vertical Urbanism."
20 September 2017
CTBUH China will hold a technical workshop on September 20 in Beijing at the Arup Beijing Office with three featured speakers, followed by a networking opportunity.
12 September 2017
CTBUH partnered with Guinness World Records to identify the commercial building with the fastest elevator speeds and longest vertical runs.
24–26 August 2017
The 3rd Tall and Supertall Building Construction Forum will consist of a keynote speech, a technical seminar and a site tour of Shengyang Baoneng Global Financial Centre.
24 August 2017
In Economic Drivers: Skyscrapers in China, discover the underlying factors behind tall building construction in the country.
17 August 2017
The Chinese version of the Roadmap on the Future Research Needs of Tall Buildings has been released and is available for purchase.
03 August 2017
The CTBUH Shanghai Young Professionals Committee (YPC) held its first board meeting at the Shanghai office of Gensler.
02 August 2017
CTBUH will organize a panel discussion titled “Optimizing Tall Building Performance in China: From Conception to Operation” followed by a book launch.
02 August 2017
CTBUH China and Tongji University Press held a symposium on tall building performance on August 2, 2017, followed by a book launch.
10 July 2017
CTBUH has built Chinese video libraries on many media platforms, including Wechat public account, Youku Video and Tecent Video.
21 June–07 July 2017
The CTBUH Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee organized its fourth annual Global Walking Tours, which took place in 15 cities around the world.
07 June 2017
CTBUH and TJUP are pleased to announce the release of Issue 10 of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the official publication of CTBUH in China.
17 April 2017
CTBUH and TJUP are pleased to announce the release of Issue 09 of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the official publication of CTBUH in China.
05 April 2017
CTBUH upgraded the Wechat account, it has a brand-new user interface, focus on the latest development of tall buildings and urban habitat of all over the world.
27 March 2017
CTBUH has certified the completion of Ping An Finance Center. At 599 meters it is the tallest building in Shenzhen, second tallest in China, and fourth tallest worldwide.
30 January 2017
CTBUH has officially launched its 2017 Conference: Connecting the City: People, Density & Infrastructure from 30 October – 3 November in Sydney, Australia.
28 January 2017
The Chinese traditional new year is approaching now, and we would thus like to wish all our Chinese friends a Happy Chinese New Year!
18 January 2017
Recognized by ENR for his contributions to the building industry, CTBUH Executive Director Antony Wood has been named among the Top 25 Newsmakers of 2016.
17 January 2017
The CTBUH China Office hosted a visit from SuperTEC, a consortium of researchers and practitioners from Korea University and Dankook University in Seoul.
05 January 2017
The latest three issues of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the Chinese-language edition of the CTBUH Journal, are now available for purchase.
21 December 2016
CTBUH has certified the completion of Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre. At 530 meters it is the tallest building in Guangzhou, second tallest in China, and fifth tallest worldwide.
19 December 2016
Check out the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat's top stories of 2016 for each month and take a look ahead with the Council’s monthly predictions for 2017.
04 November 2016
The CTBUH Awards Jury named Shanghai Tower, Shanghai as the “2016 Best Tall Building Worldwide” at the 15th Annual CTBUH Awards Ceremony and Dinner.
21 October 2016
The Hong Kong Closing Party will take place at the end of the Conference in the third and final city of the Conference’s journey through the Pearl River Delta.
16–21 October 2016
There is perhaps nowhere on the planet that demonstrates the impact of urbanization as markedly as the cities of China’s Pearl River Delta.
16 October 2016
The Program and Construction Management Working Group of the CTBUH held their inaugural meeting at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Shenzhen during the 2016 International Conference.
16 October 2016
The Vertical Transportation (VT) Working Group met for the first time during the 2016 Conference to establish the content to be produced for their Technical Guide.
15–22 October 2016
Students from the 2016–2017 CTBUH-IIT design research studio attended the 2016 CTBUH International Conference and toured Shenzhen & Hong Kong.
12–14 October 2016
This event will explore how the Vertical City concept can contribute to the development of metropolitan areas and mega metropolitan areas, such as "Jing Jin Ji" in China.
04 October 2016
The fourth issue of CTBUH 'UH'PDATE provides information on some of the early events and studies of the Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee.
21 September 2016
Co-organized by CTBUH, UTRC (China), and Institute of Public Safety of Tsinghua University, this day-long workshop examined the issues and challenges accompanying ever-taller buildings.
12 September 2016
The seminar will address how to safely evacuate occupants from ever-larger and taller structures, using means other than a conventional fire stair?
25 August 2016
The latest three issues of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the Chinese-language edition of the CTBUH Journal, are now available for purchase.
25 August 2016
The CTBUH UH/UD Committee organized its third annual Global Walking Tours in 13 cities around the world, examining public spaces in a twilight setting.
18 August 2016
CTBUH has released a study that looks at the recent proliferation of twisting towers creating a new generation of iconic buildings throughout the world.
08 July 2016
The 3rd China-Japan-Korea Tall Building Forum will focus on "Innovative Motion Engineering in Tall Buildings." The Forum will feature speakers from all three countries.
08 July 2016
The third China-Japan-Korea Tall Building Forum was held at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, on the topic of "Innovative Motion Engineering in Tall Buildings."
22 June 2016
CTBUH is proud to announce the winners and finalists for the CTBUH 2016 Tall Building Awards, chosen from a pool of 132 submissions vying for recognition.
20 May 2016
CTBUH was honored to host a delegation of government officials from the Shanghai Huangpu District People’s Government.
16 May 2016
Preparations for the upcoming CTBUH 2016 Conference are now significantly advancing, following a Steering Committee meeting in Hong Kong.
13 May 2016
Please join us for the inaugural CITAB-CTBUH China Tall Building Awards Event, to be held in the recently completed Shanghai Tower.
13 May 2016
The China Tall Building Awards Jury is pleased to announce the winner of the inaugural China Best Tall Building Overall Award: Bund SOHO, Shanghai.
13 May 2016
CTBUH joined Shanghai Tower officials in unveiling the commemorative signboard designating Shanghai Tower as the tallest building in China.
13 May 2016
The inaugural CITAB-CTBUH China Tall Building Awards were held at Shanghai Tower culminating with Bund SOHO winning China Best Tall Building Overall Award.
23 April 2016
Speakers from CITIC Heye, the project developer, will give a short introduction to the project before the group will head over to the site to explore China Zun.
23 April 2016
Nearly 20 local professionals came together for a visit to the under construction China Zun Tower, the future tallest building in Beijing.
22–24 March 2016
As a strategic partner of CADEX, a premier architecture and design exhibition, CTBUH China will have a significant presence at the event.
03 March 2016
The China Office of CTBUH is pleased to announce an event commemorating the release of the annual report on tall-building activity around the world: “Year in Review.”
03 March 2016
CTBUH China’s first 2016 event was a look back at a record-setting 2015, from the perspective of the country that contributed the greatest number of tall buildings 200 meters or higher.
25 February 2016
CITAB and CTBUH are pleased to announce the award recipients for the inaugural CITAB-CTBUH 2016 China Tall Building Awards.
18 February 2016
The first two issues of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the Chinese-language edition of the CTBUH Journal, are now available for purchase.
21 January 2016
The inaugural China Tall Building Awards jury meeting was held in Shanghai, the culmination of many months of effort.
15 January 2016
Tongji students in the collaborative design studio, “Network Reshaping Downtown: Transit-Oriented Mega-Development,”presented their final designs.
10–20 January 2016
Plans for the 2016 CTBUH Conference are now well underway, beginning with initial meetings of the Conference Steering Committee in all three cities.
07 January 2016
Shanghai Tower has officially completed as the tallest building in China and the second-tallest building in the world.
19 November 2015
CTBUH YPC hosted a presentation and panel discussion focused on the current computational technology tools used today in architecture and how collaboration is enhanced in the profession
18 November 2015
CTBUH Beijing is holding a technical workshop and networking event in Arup's Beijing Office to introduce the CTBUH China Office.
18 November 2015
The second CTBUH Beijing Chapter workshop placed a particular emphasis on the subject of future workplaces and the importance of a robust marketing campaign for tall buildings.
16–21 November 2015
“Network Reshaping Downtown,” a collaborative design studio undertaken by Tongji University with support from CTBUH, kicked off with a visit to Miami.
16 October 2015
The Korea-China-Japan Tall Building Forum program will include a tour of the Lotte World Tower and discussions on “Tall Buildings: From Design to Construction and Maintenance."
15–16 October 2015
The 2015 Korea-China-Japan Tall Building Forum was held jointly between the CTBUH chapters of the three countries.
18 September 2015
Zhi Wenjun, TJUP, and Daniel Safarik, CTBUH, recently signed an agreement covering several publications, including a Chinese language version of the CTBUH Journal.
17 September 2015
Following the successful 7 Cities Winter Walking Tours the Urban Habitat Committee is planning its next set of global tours in over twice as many cities.
17 September 2015
The CTBUH Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee organized guided walking tours of 16 cities around the globe, focusing on urban habitats around tall buildings.
27–29 July 2015
CTBUH research division members attended the second round of tests in Beijing related to the Megacolumn Research project, sponsored by ArcelorMittal.
16 July 2015
CTBUH signed the first of several planned publishing contracts with Tongji University Press for the book related to the 2016 International Conference.
03 July 2015
As part of its role as a strategic partner of the Architect @ Work China Conference in Shanghai, CTBUH hosted a panel discussion entitled “Greening the Vertical Habitat.”
02–03 July 2015
CTBUH is a supporting partner of Architect @ Work, a two-day event that reinvents how architects, designers, and real estate professionals discover knowledge and innovation.
28 April 2015
The third issue of CTBUH 'UH'PDATE 2015 goes over the Parramatta analysis plan, abstracts for CTBUH New York Conference and the committee member's involvement around the world.
27 April 2015
Tristram Carfrae is Arup’s Deputy Chairman. He is one of 16 Arup Fellows (out of a global staff of 10,000). Tristram is a leading structural designer.
22 April 2015
Join the free CTBUH Beijing Inaugural Event, featuring presentations on the implication of new fire codes and Beijing’s central business district.
22 April 2015
CTBUH Beijing's inaugural event featured presentations: "The New Fire Code on Tall Building Design" and "The Development of Beijing’s Central Business District".
18 March 2015
The CTBUH is extremely pleased to announce that 18th March will see the official launch of its new China Office, located at Tongji University, Shanghai.
18 March 2015
We encourage you to join us at the Launch Reception for the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) China Office / Asia Headquarters.
18 March 2015
The CTBUH China Office / Asia Headquarters officially launched at CAUP at Tongji University with the inaugural board meeting and a reception
26 February 2015
The second issue of CTBUH 'UH'PDATE goes over the success of the 7 Cities Winter Walking Tours and welcoming 5 new committee members.
05 February 2015
The large research team working on the composite megacolumns research project gathered in Beijing to start the test campaign on the first megacolumn samples.
29 January 2015
7 cities (Chicago, London, New York, Ottawa, Shanghai, Toronto and Vancouver) will feature winter spaces walking tours including exterior and interior spaces.
29 January 2015
The new CTBUH Urban Habitat / Urban Design Committee organized a highly successful Winter Spaces Walking Tour in seven cities around the world.
19 January 2015
Nine Chinese architects and landscape architects visited CTBUH headquarters as part of an academic mission to the US
18 January 2015
Final reviews concluded of a semester of intense work for the “Network-3D" studio undertaken by Tongji University students with support from CTBUH and KPF.
15 December 2014
Megacolumns researcher goes to Beijing to explore the actual behavior (N-M curve) of large composite concrete/steel megacolumns with encased steel profiles.
14–17 November 2014
Tongji University students took a week-long visit to New York City, which included design workshops at KPF, site studies, and tall building tours.
21 September 2014
In Shenzhen attendees toured the sky lobby of Ping An Finance Center. Attendees enjoyed a traditional Chinese lunch at the Four Seasons Hotel before continuing to KK100.
20–21 September 2014
Attendees of the Beijing tour toured the new CBD development on the east side of town, projected to contain 15 towers, many of whose foundations were already visibly underway.
20–21 September 2014
The tour began with the Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) campus including the New-Ark Hotel. The group also visited Broad’s construction site of a 59-story tower.
20 September 2014
The tour began at Hong Kong’s One Island East, a 298-meter office building. After a day of activity and touring, the tour ended with an evening harbor cruise, on a Chinese junk.
20–21 September 2014
After getting the high speed train from Shanghai, delegates toured the Suning Gulou Ruicheng project, followed by a trip to the rooftop of one of its 250-meter office buildings.
20–21 September 2014
The tour started at Suzhou Zhongnan Center and continued to one of the two International Fortune Plaza towers, which had just had its topping-out ceremony the day prior.
19 September 2014
At the Jing An Kerry Centre, the overall sense of luxury was amplified by traveling through the lushly appointed lobby and convention spaces of the Shangri-La Hotel on-site.
19 September 2014
The Riviera Twin Star Square Tour was immediately followed by the Lujiazui Harbor City Development Tour, a development on the site of the Shanghai Shipyard Factory and Drydock.
19 September 2014
The construction tour of the impressive Shanghai Tower allowed delegates to ascend to the 119th-floor observatory, as well as explore a finished 12-story atrium.
19 September 2014
Delegates for the Sinar Mas New Bund tour were given presentations by SOM & APP, who described the planning of the complex & the derivation of its organic form from the Magnolia flower.
19 September 2014
The tour of the Taiping Finance Tower revealed the surprise of full-height glazing in the lift generator rooms, which offered an excellent view of the city.
19 September 2014
Delegates toured the 37th floor of Tomorrow Square, which takes advantage of the building’s 45-degree plan shift by offering views in at least eight directions.
19 September 2014
The Jin Mao Tower, adjacent to the conference venue, provided ample opportunity for exploring the lobby, office section, top floor, observation deck, refuge floor & the Grand Hyatt.
19 September 2014
The tour of the Shanghai Arch began with a brief look at the building’s exterior, followed by visiting the footbridge to the main entrance, the skygarden, and the Shanghai Arch Village.
19 September 2014
At the Shanghai International Finance Center, attendees toured hotel spaces, an unoccupied office floor, technical facilities including a mechanical floor, and the top floor restaurant.
19 September 2014
The visit to the Bund Finance Center, a focal project of the Conference’s second plenary, included a side trip to the Jiushi Headquarters by Foster + Partners.
19 September 2014
Delegates met at the office entrance of the newly completed L’Avenue tower. The design of this structure was meant to reflect the luxury and high-end design of the building’s owners.
19 September 2014
Delegates met at the lobby of the Shanghai World Financial Center for a tour, led by executives of Mori Building, of one of Shanghai’s most recognizable landmarks.
19 September 2014
The refined Wheelock Square played host to CTBUH delegates, who toured AECOM’s office on the 36th through 38th floors, a refuge / MEP floor, and the basement.
16–19 September 2014
The survival of humanity relies on a repositioning of our cities to develop them beyond a collection of disparate icons, towards a connected Sustainable Vertical Urbanism.
16 September 2014
The Fire & Life Safety Working Group hosted a productive technical workshop at the 2014 Shanghai Conference joined by CTBUH Advisory Board member Simon Lay. Among the top concerns raised by the audience discussion was the issue of fire safety for social housing environments. .
16 September 2014
Seismic issues tend to be the predominant controlling factor in tall building structural design, particularly along the Pacific Rim.
15 September 2014
The leadership of the Council convened in the Leaders Meeting to participate in discussions about how to widen the Council’s reach and effectiveness.
15 September 2014
The second Board of Trustees meeting of 2014 took place in the 83rd-floor conference room at the Grand Hyatt Jin Mao in Shanghai, in advance of the 2014 CTBUH Conference.
10 September 2014
Progress is being made on the Composite Megacolumns research project, with a case study and laboratories selected for the destructive tests
09 September 2014
In conjunction with the 2014 Shanghai Conference, CTBUH published a special edition of the Journal that focused on China.
01 August 2014
The CTBUH will establish its physical CTBUH Asia Headquarters Office within the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University.
18 July 2014
This forum will bring together academics, researchers, and engineers from China, Japan, and Korea to discuss the latest international developments in tall building aspects.
18 July 2014
CTBUH’s Japan and Korea chapters, along with Tongji University organized the 2014 China-Japan-Korea Tall Building Forum on July 18th.
07–13 March 2014
On a second intensive journey inside six months, Executive Director Antony Wood traveled to China to make additional connections and develop further support.
09 January 2014
The final review marked the culmination of a semester of intense work for the students and tutors involved in the “Towards Zero Carbon,” a design studio undertaken by Tongji University.
01 November 2013
“Towards Zero Carbon,” a collaborative design studio between Tongji University, CTBUH and the Illinois Institute of Technology, made a week-long visit to Chicago in November.
18 October 2013
Executive Director Antony Wood and Trustee David Malott were treated to a high-octane tour of the under-construction Ping An Financial Center tower by its developer’s CEO.
15 October 2013
CTBUH Executive Director Antony Wood delivered a lecture to approximately 120 people at Tongji University, the CTBUH’s partner institution in China.
14 October 2013
Greenland Group hosted the inaugural steering committee meeting for the 2014 CTBUH Conference, consisting of more than 25 individuals from the local tall building industry.
14–18 October 2013
Preparations for the 2014 CTBUH Conference are now underway. Executive Director Antony Wood embarked on a four-city tour, meeting with more than 30 companies over the course of 10 days.
22 May 2013
The designers of Shanghai Tower presented to a capacity crowd at the Chicago Architecture Foundation May 22, at an event hosted by the Young Professionals Committee.
27 September 2012
With over 1.3 billion citizens and a rapidly urbanizing population, China is developing tall buildings more than any other country globally.
22–23 September 2012
Nanjing, the venerable “Southern capital,” is in the midst of the type of redevelopment surge impacting many Chinese cities.
22–23 September 2012
Delegates from the Congress flew to Hong Kong to visit one of the tallest cities in the world. The second day included a side trip to Shenzhen, including a private tour of KK100.
22–23 September 2012
Attendees enjoyed an exclusive tour of the China Broad Group Facilities and spent the night in the T30 Hotel. The tour covered the company's manufacturing and research facilities.
22–23 September 2012
Congress delegates who traveled to Beijing were treated to a snapshot of how tall buildings are transforming China’s capital.
20 September 2012
Scheduled for completion in 2014, the tour of Shanghai Tower offered a unique glimpse into the construction of the megatall building.
20 September 2012
The twin towers of the IFC, though not identical, create a unique dialog with the surrounding Shanghai context.
20 September 2012
Standing as an icon of the Shanghai skyline, the Jin Mao tower has been a landmark since its completion in 1999.
20 September 2012
The current tallest building in China at 492 meters, the World Financial Center offers unparalleled views from its skybridge.
20 September 2012
As a unique architectural and structural addition to Shanghai's skyline, Tomorrow Square is distinguished among its neighbors.
20 September 2012
The mirrored towers of the Riviera TwinStar development have delicately articulated facades and extensive outdoor areas.
20 September 2012
The Jiushi Corporation Headquarters in Shanghai, now over 10 years old, still stands out within its urban context.
20 September 2012
As a large mixed-use development, the Jing An Kerry Centre will provide a wide array of living and working spaces as well as amenities upon its completion at the end of 2012.
20 September 2012
An elegantly simple tower, Wheelock Square also incorporates inherent ideas of sustainability to create a unified design.
19–21 September 2012
The Shanghai Congress drew a wide variety of industry professionals from all over the globe with over 800 attendees from 430 companies and 43 countries.
19 September 2012
In conjunction with the Shanghai 9th World Congress, CTBUH published a special edition of the Journal that focused on China.
01 September 2012
A research team from the Polytechnic Institute of New York University has won the CTBUH’s first research seed funding grant for a research project based in China.
22 August 2012
Nine of the 20 tallest buildings currently under construction in the world are located in China, which is now leading the way in the development of supertall buildings.
15 August 2012
CTBUH’s Executive Director tours the headquarters of the company behind the 30-story tower erected in 15 days. Now they want to build the world’s tallest tower in nine months.
15 February 2012
A major meeting of the Shanghai Congress Local Steering Committee was held in the very appropriate setting of the Shanghai Tower construction site.
01 February 2012
CTBUH Chair Timothy Johnson and Executive Director Antony Wood were in Shanghai recently for meetings with the Congress Steering Committee and other significant Congress partners.
08 December 2011
Within this decade we will likely witness not only the world’s first kilometer-tall building, but also the completion of a significant number of buildings over 600 meters.
07 December 2011
CTBUH held an exclusive insight and tour of the recently completed 442 meter Kingkey 100 Tower, hosted by the CTBUH Hong Kong Representative, Stefan Krummeck.
17 August 2011
Taipei 101, the world’s second tallest building, has inaugurated a CTBUH Signboard recognizing the significant height achievements of the building.
17 July 2011
CTBUH Leaders recently traveled to China to attend a CTBUH-Tongji University workshop, and begin the planning of the anticipated 9th World Congress Shanghai 2012.
01 April 2011
The monthly CTBUH Tall Building Newsletter is translated into Chinese and distributed in the early part of each month.
08 May 2010
Executive Director Antony Wood visited China to attend and speak at the Shanghai Expo. While in China, the foundation was set for the CTBUH 9th World Congress.
22–23 January 2010
CTBUH Chairman Professor Sang Dae Kim convened a meeting of the three East Asia Country Representatives and himself.
01 October 2008
Eminent academic and author Chris Abel presents a detailed overview of the Chinese work of architecture firm Norman Foster and Partners.
19–29 April 2007
CTBUH collaborated with the Dubai-based developer Nakheel and architects Woods Bagot to facilitate a 5-nation tour of seminal tall buildings in south-east Asia.
20–23 November 2005
Over 200 people attended this symposium held at Southeast University, one of the oldest and most prestigious schools of civil engineering in China.
08 October 2004
CTBUH believes public skyscraper signs are a powerful and lasting way to inform the world about the official recognition of the achievements and merits of new and existing tall buildings.
20–22 March 1992
The 1992 International Conference was held in Nanjing, China on High-Rise Buildings from 21 - 23, March, 1992.
05–09 November 1990
The Fourth World Congress was held in Hong Kong, China, November 5-9, 1990 on "Tall Buildings: 2000 and Beyond".
25–27 March 1989
The 1989 International Conference was held from March 25 -27 in Nanjing, China, focused on "High-Rise Building".
22–29 April 1988
The Fourth International Conference in Hong Kong/Shanghai on Tall Buildings in 1988 on Design and Development of High-Rise Buildings.
10–15 December 1984
The 1984 3rd International Conference on Tall Buildings was held from December 10-15 in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China.
20–22 September 1976
The 1976 Regional Conference on Tall Buildings and Urban Design was held in Hong Kong, China from September 20th-22nd.
23–24 August 1973
The 1973 Regional Conference on Tall Buildings was held in in Hong Kong, China for a 2 day event, August 23-24.
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