
South America

17 October 2016

The City Re-Imagined

Paul Friedli, Schindler; Max Schwitalla, Studio Schwitalla

Current urban models no longer meets the needs of the massive growth in urban populations which is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future. To...

26 October 2015

How Transit Management Can Change the World

John Mizon, Schindler

Advancements in technology will ultimately allow for more creative building designs. Smartphone-based technology tied with elevator destination technology can be the glue to meld disjointed...

06 November 2014

Dream Deferred: Unfinished Tall Buildings

CTBUH Research

Without big dreams, there would be no tall buildings. Conceiving, financing, designing, and constructing a skyscraper is no simple feat, even under the best of...

13 April 2011

Tall and Urban: An Analysis of Global Population and Tall Buildings

CTBUH Research

Tall buildings are spreading across the globe at an ever-increasing rate. This study demonstrates the relationship between population and tall buildings across those countries and...