CTBUH Silver Member



Member Since: 2018

Member Offices: Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney

Website: https://www.enstruct.com.au/

enstruct is a specialist structural and civil engineering firm with offices in Sydney and Melbourne designing and delivering building projects throughout Australia.

Formed in 2000, enstruct, brought together a group of experienced and like-minded engineers who had delivered landmark building projects both in Australia and overseas. enstruct has emerged as a leading consultant, delivering projects based on an innovative and pragmatic approach, and thereby building strong alliances with key players in the Australian Property, Infrastructure and Construction Industry. These projects encompass the full spectrum of building types and scale. The platform for this success is committing capable engineers to clients who deliver landmark projects.

Fields of Expertise

Civil Engineering


1 505 George Street

270 m / 887 ft

2 700 Collins Street North Tower

223 m / 732 ft

4 Cockle Bay Park

181 m / 594 ft

5 52-60 Collins Street

163 m / 535 ft

6 1 Denison Street

159 m / 521 ft

7 32 Flinders Street

159 m / 520 ft

8 100 Mount Street

152 m / 498 ft

9 Brisbane Square

151 m / 495 ft

10 Sixty Martin Place

137 m / 450 ft

11 1 Bligh Street

133 m / 436 ft

Associated companies

WSP (2023)

1 505 George Street

270 m / 887 ft

2 700 Collins Street North Tower

223 m / 732 ft

3 Hunter Pitt Hybrid Timber Tower

212 m / 697 ft

4 Cockle Bay Park

181 m / 594 ft

5 52-60 Collins Street

163 m / 535 ft

6 1 Denison Street

159 m / 521 ft

7 32 Flinders Street

159 m / 520 ft

8 100 Mount Street

152 m / 498 ft

9 Brisbane Square

151 m / 495 ft

10 Sixty Martin Place

137 m / 450 ft

11 1 Bligh Street

133 m / 436 ft

12 Wills Place

116 m / 381 ft

13 32 Smith Street

111 m / 363 ft

14 80 Arthur Street

97 m / 318 ft

15 A by Adina

87 m / 286 ft

16 333 George Street

72 m / 236 ft

17 51 Flinders Lane

66 m / 217 ft

18 Allium Towers One

66 m / 215 ft

18 Allium Towers Two

66 m / 215 ft

CTBUH Initiatives Involving Enstruct Group Pty Ltd

CTBUH Sydney Design Excellence: 280 George Street

20 June 2018

The CTBUH Sydney Committee hosted the second installment of the 2018 Design Excellence Series, a discussion of the competition design thinking for 280 George Street.