CTBUH Silver Member

Smith + Andersen


Member Since: 2014

Member Offices: Toronto

Website: http://www.smithandandersen.com

Spanning over forty-five years, the story of Smith + Andersen involves many chapters dedicated to steady growth and significant expansion. Through it all, they have managed to cultivate a reputation for promoting the highest standards of engineering excellence.

Founded in Toronto in 1965, their first focus was in the field of mechanical building systems. Over time they have assembled a variety of engineering talent to both complement and add to their core strengths.

Backed by a team of professional engineers, technologists, designers, CAD and BIM specialists, and LEED Accredited Professionals, they take pride in offering clients engineering excellence through creative design, attentive service and a dedication to professionalism at every stage of their involvement. Together they provide broad professional expertise and the strategic know-how to manage the most elaborate projects.

Fields of Expertise

Building Automation Control Systems


Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.

1 19 Bloor West

317 m / 1,041 ft

2 The Hub

312 m / 1,023 ft

3 Forma West Tower

308 m / 1,010 ft

4 Union Park I

303 m / 995 ft

5 Yonge & Gerrard

278 m / 912 ft

6 Aura at College Park

272 m / 892 ft

7 Forma East Tower

267 m / 874 ft

8 Union Park II

262 m / 859 ft

9 M3

260 m / 854 ft

10 Al Majdoul Tower

244 m / 801 ft

Associated companies

Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.

1 19 Bloor West

317 m / 1,041 ft

2 The Hub

312 m / 1,023 ft

3 Forma West Tower

308 m / 1,010 ft

4 Union Park I

303 m / 995 ft

5 Yonge & Gerrard

278 m / 912 ft

6 Aura at College Park

272 m / 892 ft

7 Forma East Tower

267 m / 874 ft

8 Union Park II

262 m / 859 ft

9 M3

260 m / 854 ft

10 Al Majdoul Tower

244 m / 801 ft

11 TD Terrace

240 m / 787 ft

12 145 Wellington Street West

236 m / 773 ft

13 277 Wellington Street West

232 m / 762 ft

14 30 Scollard

231 m / 759 ft

15 15 Richmond Street East

231 m / 757 ft

16 Freed Hotel and Residences

219 m / 719 ft

17 East Harbour Building 1B

219 m / 717 ft

18 15 Charles Street East

216 m / 709 ft

19 M4

216 m / 707 ft

20 145 Wellington Street West

214 m / 701 ft

21 Union Park III

211 m / 691 ft

22 149 College

205 m / 673 ft

23 L Tower

205 m / 673 ft

24 88 Isabella Street

203 m / 667 ft

25 M2

200 m / 656 ft

26 M1

199 m / 654 ft

27 Beltline Yards Building B1

191 m / 625 ft

28 123 Wynford Drive Building A

181 m / 595 ft

29 Rosedale on Bloor

179 m / 587 ft

30 839 Yonge Tower

166 m / 545 ft

31 Union Park IV

164 m / 537 ft

32 170 Roehampton

163 m / 533 ft

33 TD Canada Trust Tower

162 m / 531 ft

34 CF Calgary City Centre Phase I

160 m / 524 ft

35 123 Wynford Drive Building B

157 m / 514 ft

36 1830 Weston Road

156 m / 511 ft

37 7 & 11 Rochefort Tower A

154 m / 507 ft

38 309 Cherry Street Building 1B

151 m / 497 ft

39 411 King

150 m / 491 ft

40 1799 St. Clair West Tower A

147 m / 484 ft

41 Residences of College Park II

147 m / 482 ft

42 Beltline Yards Building D1

146 m / 478 ft

43 Residences at RCMI

145 m / 477 ft

44 839 Yonge Ravine Tower

142 m / 466 ft

45 589 Eglinton Avenue East

140 m / 459 ft

46 7 & 11 Rochefort Tower B

140 m / 458 ft

47 31 Parliament Street

138 m / 451 ft

48 48 Grenoble East

136 m / 448 ft

48 48 Grenoble West

136 m / 448 ft

50 1799 St. Clair West Tower B

133 m / 435 ft

51 Cowdray Court Tower B4b

131 m / 428 ft

52 38-44 Broadway Avenue - St. Monica's Church

129 m / 425 ft

53 Beltline Yards Building A1

129 m / 425 ft

54 1355 St Paul

129 m / 422 ft

55 309 Cherry Street Building 2B

128 m / 421 ft

56 22 Balliol Street

126 m / 413 ft

57 Sun Life Financial Centre East Tower

125 m / 410 ft


125 m / 408 ft

59 The Oliver West

121 m / 398 ft

60 Beltline Yards Building C1.1

121 m / 396 ft

61 Metro Park Condos South Tower

115 m / 376 ft

62 Reside on Richmond

113 m / 370 ft

63 Cowdray Court Tower B2b

111 m / 364 ft

64 Sun Life Financial Centre West Tower

110 m / 361 ft

65 The Oliver

109 m / 358 ft

66 601 West Hastings

108 m / 354 ft

67 Hotel X

107 m

351 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 28 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 1,219 other buildings of the same Hotel function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
68 Madison Centre

106 m / 348 ft

69 7 & 11 Rochefort Tower C

106 m / 346 ft

70 Cielo Condos

104 m / 341 ft

71 SickKids Patient Support Centre

102 m / 335 ft

72 1799 St. Clair West Tower C

102 m / 335 ft

73 Park Road

101 m / 330 ft

74 River City 3

99 m / 323 ft

75 Galleria 01

93 m / 304 ft

76 Performance Court

90 m / 294 ft

77 Beltline Yards Building C1.2

86 m / 284 ft

78 Cowdray Court Tower B4a

86 m / 281 ft

79 Royal Bank of Canada Data Centre

80 m / 263 ft

80 Galleria 02

78 m / 255 ft

81 Cowdray Court Tower B2a

75 m / 246 ft

82 Bell Trinity Square

66 m / 216 ft

83 KPMG Tower

64 m / 210 ft

84 King Portland Centre

59 m / 194 ft

85 Cherry Place

56 m / 183 ft

86 Beltline Yards Building D2

49 m / 161 ft

87 Beltline Yards Building C2.2

45 m / 147 ft

88 Beltline Yards Building C1.2

43 m / 141 ft

89 402 Dunsmuir Street

43 m / 139 ft

90 195 Dufferin Avenue

37 m / 123 ft

91 Metro Park Condos North Tower

37 m / 122 ft

92 Humber College Cultural Hub

34 m / 111 ft

CTBUH Initiatives Involving Smith + Andersen

Imports and Acquisitions: New Tall Buildings in Toronto

11 October 2016

The CTBUH Canada Chapter organized and held its third in a series of seminars about new and imported technologies in high-rise buildings.

CTBUH Canada Inaugural Meeting

02 May 2013

The first event organized by the newly formed CTBUH Canada Chapter was held at the University of Toronto on May 2, to a highly enthusiastic reception.