CTBUH Silver Member

Grimshaw Architects


Member Since: 2013

Member Offices: London, Sydney

Website: http://www.grimshaw-architects.com

Grimshaw was founded by Sir Nicholas Grimshaw in 1980. The practice became a Partnership in 2007 and operates worldwide with offices in New York, London, Melbourne, Sydney and Doha employing 325 staff.

Grimshaw’s international portfolio covers all major sectors, and has been honored with over 150 international design awards including the prestigious Lubetkin Prize.

The practice is dedicated to the deepest level of involvement in the design of their buildings in order to deliver projects which meet the highest possible standards of excellence. The company’s work is characterized by strong conceptual legibility, innovation and a rigorous approach to detailing, all underpinned by the principles of humane, enduring and sustainable design.

Fields of Expertise



4 295 Church Street

185 m / 607 ft

5 Olderfleet

168 m / 551 ft

6 74 Church Street

155 m / 509 ft

7 39 Martin Place

130 m / 427 ft

8 757-763 George Street

110 m / 361 ft

9 Poly Centre

107 m / 350 ft

10 125 Old Broad Street

103 m / 339 ft

11 SX Stage 2

95 m / 312 ft

12 Paddington Triangle OSD

77 m / 252 ft

13 333 George Street

72 m / 236 ft

1 Aspire Tower

305 m / 1,001 ft

2 The Minerva Building

217 m / 712 ft

3 Station Tower

194 m / 636 ft

4 295 Church Street

185 m / 607 ft

5 Olderfleet

168 m / 551 ft

6 74 Church Street

155 m / 509 ft

7 39 Martin Place

130 m / 427 ft

8 757-763 George Street

110 m / 361 ft

9 Poly Centre

107 m / 350 ft

10 125 Old Broad Street

103 m / 339 ft

11 SX Stage 2

95 m / 312 ft

12 Paddington Triangle OSD

77 m / 252 ft

13 333 George Street

72 m / 236 ft

14 Arthur Phillip High School Tower

65 m / 213 ft

15 385 Bourke Street Tower 2


16 Paddington Development


CTBUH Initiatives Involving Grimshaw Architects

CTBUH Sydney Design Excellence: 210 George Street

21 November 2018

For the final 2018 Design Excellence Series event, the NSW CTBUH Committee hosted the largest event of the year at the design competition for 210 George Street in Sydney.

CTBUH New York: Overcoming Obstacles to Affordable Housing

18 October 2018

The CTBUH New York Future Leaders Committee hosted a panel discussion on "Obstacles to Affordable Housing" at the NYC Office of Grimshaw Architects.

Debate: Were Engineers Better In 1818 Or 2018?

21 September 2018

On September 21, 2018 at Arup’s NYC office, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) partnered with co-sponsors CTBUH to host a friendly, spirited debate.

Design Excellence Series: One Sydney Park

28 March 2018

The CTBUH Australia Chapter’s Sydney Committee relaunched its Design Excellence series with an event examining the competition entries for One Sydney Park.

Queensland Infrastructure Seminar 3

07 September 2017

The CTBUH Australia Chapter’s Brisbane Committee held the third of its 2017 breakfast seminar series on Queensland Infrastructure.

Skyscraper Summit Warms Sydney Up for CTBUH 2017

18 August 2017

A joint venture between the Urban Taskforce and CTBUH delivered a successful “warm-up” event in advance of the CTBUH 2017 Conference in Australia on August 18, 2017.