1 | Solo District - Altus | Burnaby | 2017 |
188 m / 616 ft |
49 | Residential / Hotel |
2 | 1133 West Georgia | Vancouver | 2016 |
188 m / 616 ft |
63 | Hotel / Residential |
3 | One Burrard Place | Vancouver | 2022 |
167 m / 549 ft |
54 | Residential / Office |
4 | 4670 Assembly Way | Burnaby | 2018 |
163 m / 535 ft |
48 | Residential |
5 | Electra | San Diego | 2008 |
145 m / 475 ft |
43 | Residential |
6 | The Mark | Vancouver | 2014 |
123 m / 405 ft |
42 | Residential |
7 | West Pender Place | Vancouver | 2011 |
113 m / 370 ft |
36 | Residential |
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