BuroHappold Engineering

Buro Happold is a member of the CTBUH at the Platinum level.

Renamed to:
Buro Happold (2020)


Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.

1 India Tower

700 m / 2,296 ft

2 Chicago Spire

610 m / 2,000 ft

3 Makkah Royal Clock Tower

601 m / 1,972 ft

4 Alrriyadah Ritz Carlton

494 m / 1,621 ft

5 World One

442 m / 1,450 ft

6 Al Hamra Tower

413 m / 1,354 ft

7 Suning Xinjiekou Plaza

388 m / 1,273 ft

8 ADNOC Headquarters

342 m / 1,122 ft

9 Shimao International Plaza

333 m / 1,094 ft

10 The Index

326 m / 1,070 ft

11 The Landmark

324 m / 1,063 ft

12 Sumou Tower 1

322 m / 1,056 ft

13 Heartland 66 Office Tower

321 m / 1,052 ft

14 Fanya International Finance Building North

318 m / 1,043 ft

15 Fanya International Finance Building South

318 m / 1,043 ft

16 Jumeirah Nanjing Hotel & International Youth Cultural Centre Tower 2

315 m / 1,033 ft

17 MahaNakhon

314 m / 1,030 ft

18 KAFD World Trade Center

304 m / 997 ft

19 Supernova Spira

300 m / 984 ft

20 NBK Tower

300 m / 984 ft

21 Aspire Tower

300 m / 984 ft

22 Dayabumi

290 m / 953 ft

23 World One

280 m / 919 ft

24 World View

278 m / 911 ft

25 Icone Tower

275 m / 902 ft

26 Al Faisaliah Center

267 m / 876 ft

27 Suning Plaza Tower A

266 m / 873 ft

28 Riyad Bank Tower

264 m / 866 ft

29 Three Sixty West Tower B

260 m / 853 ft

30 Three Sixty West Tower A

256 m / 839 ft

31 Jumeirah Nanjing Hotel & International Youth Cultural Centre Tower 1

255 m / 837 ft

32 Torre Madrid Nuevo Norte 1

250 m / 820 ft

33 Burj Daman

235 m / 771 ft

34 Samba Bank HQ Tower

231 m / 758 ft

35 Torre Madrid Nuevo Norte 2

230 m / 755 ft

36 Al Faisal Tower

227 m / 745 ft

37 Lodha Venezia

227 m / 744 ft

38 Aro

225 m / 738 ft

39 World Crest

225 m / 737 ft

40 Two ICC

223 m / 732 ft

41 InterContinental Hotel West Bay

220 m / 722 ft

42 Unicredit Tower

218 m / 714 ft

43 Lodha Azzuro

213 m / 698 ft

44 Omkar 1973 Worli Tower A

212 m / 696 ft

44 Omkar 1973 Worli Tower B

212 m / 696 ft

44 Omkar 1973 Worli Tower C

212 m / 696 ft

47 Capital Plaza Residential Towers

210 m / 689 ft

48 Hotel America

210 m / 689 ft

48 Torre Madrid Nuevo Norte 3

210 m / 689 ft

50 Hudson's Tower

207 m / 680 ft

51 25 Park Row

203 m / 666 ft

52 Kohinoor Square Tower A

202 m / 662 ft

53 Zhuhai Hengqin Xinqu Ahongda Finance Tower 1

200 m / 656 ft

54 Capital Plaza Office Tower

200 m / 656 ft

55 One ICC

198 m / 648 ft

56 Miami Innovation Tower

193 m / 633 ft

57 Abdul Aziz Al Babtain Cultural WAQF

189 m / 619 ft

58 Varyap Meridian A Block

188 m / 618 ft

59 DUO Residences

186 m / 610 ft

60 One Portal Way Building C

185 m / 608 ft

61 ADIA Tower

185 m / 607 ft

62 One Lodha Place

183 m / 600 ft

63 One Portal Way Building E

182 m / 595 ft

64 Varyap Meridian C Block

180 m / 591 ft

65 Jordan Gate Tower 1

180 m / 591 ft

65 Jordan Gate Tower 2

180 m / 591 ft

65 Supertech Nova East

180 m / 591 ft

65 Supertech Nova West

180 m / 591 ft

69 30 St Mary Axe

180 m / 590 ft

70 DUO Tower

179 m / 589 ft

71 303 East 44th Street

179 m / 588 ft

72 The Ruby

174 m / 569 ft

73 National Bank of Abu Dhabi Headquarters

173 m / 568 ft

74 SBS Broadcasting Center

167 m / 548 ft

75 Capital Plaza Sofitel Hotel

166 m / 545 ft

76 Maryah Plaza Residential Tower 1

165 m / 542 ft

77 Torre Iberdrola

165 m / 541 ft

78 Varyap Meridian E Block

164 m / 538 ft

79 Southernwood Retail Park Block 1A

159 m / 522 ft

80 Q22 Tower

155 m / 509 ft

81 Morpheus

154 m / 504 ft

82 PPA 30 Parcel 5.05 Residential Tower

149 m / 489 ft

83 BurJuman Centre

148 m / 486 ft

84 Commercialbank Plaza Tower

148 m / 486 ft

85 Cheongdam Tower

143 m

469 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 42 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,464 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
86 Book Tower

140 m / 460 ft

87 Oxford Tower

139 m / 456 ft

88 PPA 30 Parcel 3.09

138 m / 453 ft

89 2 Trafalgar Way, Building 2

138 m / 451 ft

90 Grove Tower 1

136 m / 446 ft

91 500 Folsom

133 m / 435 ft

92 Ferry Island Building 1 North Tower

129 m / 423 ft

93 RWE Turm

127 m / 417 ft

94 PP 10 Parcel 4.08

126 m / 413 ft

95 PPA 30 Parcel 5.05 Office Tower

125 m / 410 ft

96 Kohinoor Square Tower B

124 m / 406 ft

97 Faria Lima B32 Office Tower

123 m / 404 ft

98 Chelsea Waterfront-West Tower

122 m / 402 ft

99 Port Baku Business Center

120 m / 394 ft

100 Supertech Astralis

120 m / 394 ft

101 Grove Tower 2

119 m / 391 ft

102 33-49 Des Voeux Road West

116 m / 381 ft

103 ToHa Tower 1

110 m / 362 ft

104 2 Trafalgar Way, Building 3

109 m / 358 ft

105 The Helix

107 m / 352 ft

106 Zorlu Center Hotel Tower

107 m / 351 ft

106 Zorlu Center Tower A

107 m / 351 ft

106 Zorlu Center Tower B

107 m / 351 ft

106 Zorlu Center Tower C

107 m / 351 ft


106 m / 348 ft

111 PP 10 Parcel 2.14

105 m / 344 ft

112 Amazon PenPlace Site, Tower 2

105 m / 343 ft

113 UŠĆE Office Tower 2

104 m / 341 ft

114 The Power Station

104 m / 341 ft

115 Amazon PenPlace Site, Tower 1

103 m / 337 ft

116 Amazon PenPlace Site, Tower 3

101 m / 330 ft

117 888 Boylston Street

99 m / 325 ft

118 Varso 2

90 m / 295 ft

119 2 Trafalgar Way, Building 1

87 m / 287 ft

120 Chelsea Waterfront East Tower

85 m / 279 ft

121 Lewisham Retail Park-Block A

84 m / 276 ft

122 Varyap Meridian B Block

82 m

269 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 24 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,464 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
122 Varyap Meridian D Block

82 m

269 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 24 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,464 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
124 PP 10 Parcel 4.07

81 m / 266 ft

124 Varso 1

81 m / 266 ft

126 One Portal Way Building B

80 m / 263 ft

127 Porsche Design Tower

80 m / 262 ft

128 East Bank UAL London College of Fashion

80 m / 261 ft

129 Grand Central Apartments

78 m / 256 ft

130 Thameside West-Phase 1 Building A

75 m / 247 ft

130 Thameside West-Phase 1 Building B

75 m / 247 ft

132 Southwark Station OSD

75 m / 247 ft

133 Lodha Venezia Social Housing

73 m / 239 ft

134 One Portal Way Building F

68 m / 222 ft

135 One Angel Square

68 m / 221 ft

136 One Portal Way Building D1

64 m / 211 ft

137 101 Whitechapel High Street

63 m / 205 ft

138 Southernwood Retail Park Hotel

54 m / 178 ft

139 PPA 30 Parcel 2.07 Tower A

49 m / 160 ft

140 Southernwood Retail Park Block 1B

47 m / 155 ft

141 Southernwood Retail Park Block 2A

41 m / 133 ft

142 PPA 30 Parcel 2.07 Tower B

39 m

128 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 9 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,163 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
142 PPA 30 Parcel 2.07 Tower C

39 m

128 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 9 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,163 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
144 Trafalgar Place

36 m / 119 ft

145 One Portal Way Building D2

28 m / 93 ft

146 PVN Tower


147 Admiral Serebryakov Embankment Tower 1


147 Ashley Road East


147 Ferry Island Building 1 South Tower


150 Elephant Park H1 Office


150 North Island Tower


152 Admiral Serebryakov Embankment Tower 2


153 Welbourne Plot Tower


154 Ashley Road West


155 Ferry Island Building 2


155 Sir Michael Uren Hub


157 Hudson's North Tower


158 Maryah Plaza Residential Tower 2


158 Maryah Plaza Residential Tower 3
